PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Cronin, Patrick K. AU - Poelstra, Kornelis AU - Protopsaltis, Themistocles S. TI - Role of Robotics in Adult Spinal Deformity AID - 10.14444/8140 DP - 2021 Oct 01 TA - International Journal of Spine Surgery PG - S56--S64 VI - 15 IP - s2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Int J Spine Surg2021 Oct 01; 15 AB - Robotic-assisted adult deformity surgery has played a rapidly expanding role since its introduction. As robotic spine technologies improve, the potential to limit complications and morbidity is vast. The improvements in instrumentation accuracy combined with the ability to maintain that accuracy in multiple positions allow creative surgical approaches and techniques that can limit operative time, blood loss, and improve outcomes. In the years to come, robotic-assisted spine surgery and navigation will likely play an expanding role that continues to be defined.Level of Evidence 5, expert opinion.