PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - VORONOV, LEONARD I. AU - HAVEY, ROBERT M. AU - TSITSOPOULOS, PARMENION P. AU - KHAYATZADEH, SAEED AU - GOODSITT, JEREMY AU - CARANDANG, GERARD AU - GHANAYEM, ALEXANDER J AU - PATWARDHAN, AVINASH G. TI - Does Resection of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Affect the Stability of Cervical Disc Arthroplasty? AID - 10.14444/5035 DP - 2018 Apr 01 TA - International Journal of Spine Surgery PG - 285--294 VI - 12 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Int J Spine Surg2018 Apr 01; 12 AB - Background The need for posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) resection during cervical total disc arthroplasty (TDA) has been debated. The purpose of this laboratory study was to investigate the effect of PLL resection on cervical kinematics after TDA. Methods Eight cadaveric cervical spine specimens were tested in flexion-extension (FE), lateral bending (LB), and axial rotation (AR) to moments of ±1.5 Nm. After testing the intact condition, anterior C5-C6 cervical discectomy was performed followed by PLL resection and implantation of a compressible, 6-degrees-of-freedom disc prosthesis (M6-C, Spinal Kinetics Inc, Sunnyvale, California). Next, a second prosthesis was implanted at C6-C7 with PLL intact. Finally, the C6-C7 PLL was resected while the disc prosthesis remained in place. Segmental range of motion (ROM) and stiffness in the high flexibility zone around the neutral posture were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA.Results At C5-C6, following TDA and PLL resection, FE, LB, and AR ROMs decreased significantly. Anterior and posterior disc height, segmental lordosis, and flexion stiffness increased significantly. At C6-C7, TDA with the PLL intact resulted in a significant increase in anterior disc height and segmental lordosis with no change in posterior disc height. FE, LB, and AR ROMs all decreased significantly, while flexion stiffness increased significantly compared to intact. PLL resection at C6-C7 did not result in a notable change compared to TDA with PLL intact. At the same level, flexion stiffness decreased following PLL resection compared to TDA with a value closer to intact. Two-level TDA (C5-C7) with PLL resection did not result in a loss of segmental stability.Conclusion PLL resection did not significantly affect motion segment kinematics following cervical TDA using a prosthesis with inherent stiffness. Motion segment stiffness loss after PLL resection can be compensated for by a TDA design that can provide resistance to angular motion.