PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - SINGLA, RAGHAV AU - MANJUNATH, NIVEDITHA AU - SHARMA, RAVI AU - MISHRA, SHASHWAT TI - Neglected Traumatic Atlantoaxial Rotatory Dislocation in Adult: A Case Report AID - 10.14444/7006 DP - 2020 Feb 01 TA - International Journal of Spine Surgery PG - 46--52 VI - 14 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Int J Spine Surg2020 Feb 01; 14 AB - Atlantoaxial rotatory dislocations (AARDs) are common in the pediatric population and rarely seen in adults. We describe a case of neglected AARD and subsequent management. A 25-year-old man developed a Fielding type 1 AARD following a road traffic accident. He was managed conservatively for 1.5 months before being referred to us. The patient underwent surgery 1.5 months after the accident. Closed reduction failed and C1-2 fixation with the Harms technique was performed after intraoperative reduction resulting in correction of deformity. Delay of treatment makes intraoperative reduction more difficult and increases the possibility of the chronic permanent change of neck muscles and ligaments. Hence, a high index of suspicion with a thorough clinical examination and judicious use of radiological investigations is paramount to the appropriate management of such cases.