Table 4

Correlations of Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System physical function (n = 91).

Outcome MeasurePearson, |r| P Valuea
 6 wk0.2130.129
 12 wk0.1590.400
 6 mo0.0960.765
 1 y0.0580.823
VAS back
 Preoperative0.477 <0.001
 6 wk0.512 <0.001
 12 wk0.593 0.006
 6 mo0.654 0.015
 1 y0.595 <0.001
VAS leg
 Preoperative0.316 0.005
 6 wk0.528 <0.001
 12 wk0.577 0.007
 6 mo0.2730.365
 1 y0.5830.059
  • Boldface indicates statistically significant finding.

  • aP value calculated using Pearson coefficient.

  • TTC, time to complete; VAS, visual analog scale.