Table 2

Comparison of radiographic outcomes between the 2 groups.

Raidographic ParametersFLUO MIS-TLIF (N = 61)NAV MIS-TLIF (N = 36) P Value
Screw-to-pedicle ratio0.7 ± 0.130.66 ± 0.090.079
% Screw depth85.18 ± 7.5489.04 ± 6.070.011a
Angle of medial convergence18.44 ± 11.5527.7±3.93<0.001a
% Screw penetration(n = 270)(n = 172)
 Anterior47 (17.4%)16 (9.7%)0.027a
 Lateral5 (1.9%)4 (2.4%)0.684
 Medial10 (3.7%)0 (0%)0.012a
 Superior1 (0.4%)1 (0.6%)0.724
Cage size23.61 ± 1.9324.78 ± 1.740.003a
Cage location
 Anterior24 (44.4%)30 (55.6%)0.471
 Posterior49 (74.2%)17 (25.8%)0.471
Cage subsidence (<2 mm)39 (63.9%)23 (63.9%)0.996
Fusion55 (90.2%)33 (91.7%)0.481
  • Data presented as mean ± SD or n (%).

  • aStatistically significant (P < 0.05)

  • FLOU, fluoroscopic-guided; MIS-TILF, minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion; NAV, 3-dimensional computer navigation.