Table 1

Patient characteristics and conservative management.

Demographics N = 173
Age at the time of surgery, y
 Mean46.6 ± 14.1
Gender, female, n (%)134 (77%)
Mechanism of injury, n (%)
 Chronic/spontaneous pain (unknown)73 (42.2%)
 Fall/motor vehicle crash/other accident71 (41%)
 Previous back surgery3 (1.7%)
 Vaginal delivery12 (6.9%)
 Sports4 (2.3%)
 Rapid weight loss3 (1.7%)
 Other (eg, osteophyte on coccyx, achondroplasia, spina bifida occulta)7 (4%)
History of prior spine surgery, n (%)
 Yes23 (13.3%)
 No139 (80.3%)
 Unknown11 (6.4%)
Mean duration of symptoms, y6
Mean time to follow up following surgery, y5.6
Conservative therapy, n (%) (n = 166)
 Medications85 (51.2%)
 Heat/Cold85 (51.2%)
 Physical therapy70 (42.2%)
 Rest74 (44.6%)
 Exercise60 (36.1%)
 Manipulation61 (36.7%)
 TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)35 (21.1%)
 Acupuncture18 (10.8%)
 Injections (eg, steroid)110 (66.3%)
 Ganglion impar injection23 (13.9%)
 Radiofrequency ablation8 (4.8%)
Coccyx morphology,a n (%) (n = 110)
 Type I35 (20.2%)
 Type II26 (15%)
 Type III28 (16.2%)
 Type IV21 (12.1%)
  • aBased on the Postacchini and Massobio classification system.18