Table 2

EOSQ-24 score of each domain and correlation with the final Cobb angle arranged in ascending manner according to the strength of correlation.

EOSQ-24 Score
EOSQ-24 DomainMean ± SDMedian (Range)Correlation Coefficient With Final Cobb Angle P Value
Financial impact75.00 ± 23.1575 (25–100)−0.360.19
Fatigue /energy level74.17 ± 19.1775 (37.5–100)−0.570.03
Transfer75.00 ± 18.9075 (50–100)−0.580.02
Parental impact74.00 ± 20.5575 (35–95)−0.650.008
Physical function75.56 ± 19.7975 (25–100)−0.670.006
Daily living75.00 ± 20.5975 (37.5–100)−0.700.004
Satisfaction60.83 ± 24.0375 (12.5–87.5)−0.760.0009
Pulmonary function75.83 ± 23.8475 (37.5–100)−0.780.0006
General health65.0 ± 19.0262.5 (37.5–87.5)−0.800.0003
Pain/discomfort73.33 ± 17.5975 (50–100)−0.820.0002
Emotion72.5 ± 29.2075 (12.5–100)−0.92< 0.0001
  • EOSQ-24, 24-item early-onset scoliosis questionnaire.