Table 1

Studies included in the qualitative and quantitative synthesis.

StudyCountryStudy TypeSurgical MethodGroupsAge, y, Mean ± SDGender M:FTXA DosingInclusion CriteriaExclusion CriteriaOutcome Measures
Garg 201224 IndiaProspective, randomizedOpen posterior instrumentationIntervention, ControlNot mentionedNot mentioned15 mg/kg bolus IV, 15 min before incisionNot mentionedNot mentionedIBL, PBL, numberof blood transfusions, DVT incidence, and D-D
Hamdi 201625 TunisiaProspective, randomizedNot mentionedIntervention, Control48.4 ± 16.2, 54.4 ± 13.717:8, 15:1010 mg/kg bolus IV, 1 mg/kg/h IV intra-and postoperativelyNot mentionedNot mentionedIBL, PBL, numberof blood transfusions, DVT incidence, and D-D
Weera 201926 ThailandProspective, randomizedOpen long-segment PSF without decompressionIntervention, Control52 (33.5, 55.5), 51.5 (33.5, 58)20:9, 15:131 g in 20 mL saline topical application via drain, clamped for 2 hAdults with thoracolumbar fractures undergoing posterior fixation surgery, no neurological deficits, ASA I, II, IIIHistory of thromboembolic/cardiac disease, coagulation disorder displaced laminar fracturesTransfusion rates, PBL, drain removal time, duration of hospitalization
Xiji 201927 ChinaProspective, randomized, single blindedPercutaneous pedicle screw fixationIntervention A, Intervention B, Intervention C45.43 ± 8.18, 45.72 ± 9.96, 45.47 ± 11.2434:27, 37:24, 33:26Group A: 15 mg/kg bolus IV, 30 min before incision, Group B: topical 3 g insaline before wound closure, Group C: combined IV+ topical as aboveAdults with single-level thoracolumbar fractures withno neurological deficits undergoingsurgery within 2wk of injuryHistory of DVT, intake of antiplatelet/anticoagulant medications, multiple injuriesPre- and postoperative: Hct, D-D; DVT inlower limbs, transfusionrate, complications, operative duration,IBL, TBL, HBL
Wentao 201928 ChinaProspective, randomized, double blindedOpen PSF with transforaminal interbody fusionIntervention, Control41.2 ± 10.3, 42.5 ± 9.525:18, 18:1910 mg/kg bolus IV, 15 min before incision, 1 mg/kg/h infusion during surgeryAdult patients with fracture dislocation at the thoracolumbar junction undergoing surgery within 24 h for 2-level involvementInvolved segments above T11 or below L2, on anticoagulation, any contraindication to TXA use, severeinjuries, CSF leakageOperative duration, TBL, IBL, Hb, transfusionrate, DVT incidence, levels of pre- andpostoperative GMP 140, FIB, FDP, and D-D
Feng 202029 ChinaRetrospective cohortPSF using Wiltse approachIntervention A, Intervention B, Control42.14 ± 9.86, 40.34 ± 10.28, 41.06 ± 10.2660:24, 57:30, 63:30Group A: 20 mg/kg TXA at 5 min before skin incision and 16 h after first dose; Group B received 20 mg/kg TXAat 5 min before skin incisionAdults with single segment fractures without neurological deficits who underwent surgery using the Wiltse approach and other conservatively managed fracturesPelvic and femoral fractures, cardiac/CNS disease, intake of medication that alter hemostasisPre- and postoperative: Hb, FDP, D-D, FIB, Hct, LFT, PT-INR, APTT, CRP, IL-6; DVT in lower limbs, transfusion rate, complications operative duration, IBL, TBL, HBL
Pradhan 201530 NepalProspective, observationalOpen PSFIntervention, Control39.47 ± 13.52, 32.19 ± 10.71Notmentioned10 mg/kg bolus IV, 30 min before incision and 3 h postoperatively + oral medicationAdults undergoing single-level PSF2-Level surgeries, fracture level screw fixation, iliac crest graftPre- and postoperative Hb, PT-INR, transfusion rates, operative duration, IBL, PBL, complications
Jieliang 202031 ChinaProspective, randomized, double blindedOpen PSFIntervention, Control38.85 ± 4.17, 39.41 ± 6.5125:14, 22:151 g in 100 mL saline topical application in the wound postmuscle dissection, kept for 5 minAdults with single-level thoracolumbar fractures with/without neurological deficits undergoing surgery within 24 hof injury without osteoporosisMultiple comorbidities, multiple fractures, coagulopathies, CSF leakage, pathological fracturesTBL, HBL, IBL, PBL, HB, Hct, transfusion rate, length of hospital stay, operative duration
Abdel 202032 EgyptProspective, randomized, double blindedOpen PSFIntervention, Control52 (33.5, 55.5), 51.5 (33.5, 58)7:8, 4:111 g in 50 mL saline topical application via drain, clamped for 2 hAdults with thoracolumbar fractures without neurological deficitsRenal insufficiency, history of thromboembolism, history of cardiovascular diseases, coagulopathies, allergy to TXA, history of aspirin or NSAID intake 1 wk before randomizationPre- and postoperativeHb, PBL
Lehman et al34 United StatesProspective, randomized, double blinded3 g TXA in 70 mL saline topical solution left in wound for 5 min vs saline placebo Adult thoracolumbar spine trauma with/without deficits undergoing surgery within 21 d; adult patients undergoing long-segment fusions (>5 fusion levels)Coagulopathies or history of thromboembolic events; therapeutic anticoagulation requirement; use of intravenous TXA during prestudy period; trauma penetrating spinal cord or dural tears; history of seizure; traumatic brain injuryPrimary outcome: maximal postoperative Hb drop, secondry outcomes: Health related quality of life, complications, cost analysis, surgical site infection, systemic absorption
Sheng et al33 ChinaRandomized controlled trial, single blindedGroup 1: intravenous TXA 10 mg/kg before incision; Group 2 topical TXA 10 mg/kg wash before wound closure; Group 3: saline placeboAdult thoracolumbar spine trauma with no coagulopathy undergoing surgery within 2 wkLow Hb or platelet counts or preoperative coagulopathy; has received antiplatelet/coagulant therapy; hypercoagulable states or history of thromboembolismPrimary outcome: IBL; secondary outcome: blood transfusion, PBL, Hb, PT-INR, D-D. and APTT
  • APTT, activated prothrombin time; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; D-D, D-dimer; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; FDP, fibrinogrn degeneration products; FIB, fibrinogen intermediate products; Hb, hemoglobin; HBL, hidden blood loss; Hct, hematocrit; IBL, intraoperative blood loss; IV, intravenous; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PBL, postoperative blood loss; PE, pulmonary embolism; PSF, pedicle screw fixation; PT-INR, prothrombin time-international normalized ratio; TBL, total blood loss; TXA, tranexamic acid.