Table 1

Comparison of patient characteristics between open and PPI cohorts.

CharacteristicsOpenPPI P Valuea
No. of patients65 (71.4)26 (28.6)
No. of patients with follow-up50 (77)20 (77)
Age, mean ± SD39.2 ± 14.838.4 ± 17.40.65
Body mass index (kg/m2)26.3 ± 5.425.3 ± 3.50.67
Overweight/obese36 (55.4)14 (53.9)>0.99
Sex—male44 (67.7)17 (65.4)>0.99
Charlson Comorbidity Index0.35 ± 0.80.69 ± 1.50.37
Other body trauma57 (87.7)22 (84.6)0.74
Neurological status
 Intact31 (47.7)19 (73.1)0.09
 Incomplete injury13 (20.0)3 (11.5)
 Complete injury21 (32.3)4 (15.4)
American Society of Anesthesiologists score
 110 (15.4)4 (15.4)0.21
 227 (41.5)15 (57.7)
 321 (32.3)4 (15.4)
 46 (9.2)1 (3.9)
  • Data presented as n (%) or mean ± SD.

  • aIndicates significant statistical value P < 0.05.

  • PPI, percutaneous pedicle instrumentation.