Table 3

Estimates of the fixed effects in the mixed-effects regression modeling of pain and disability change scores over 13 y.

ParameterCoefficient β95% CIP Value
 Intercept60.3(58.3, 62.3)<0.001b
 Baseline score (centered on 75)0.9(0.9, 1.0)<0.001b
 Time, y−0.6(−1.0, −0.2)0.002b
 Intercept53.1(49.0, 57.3)<0.001b
 Baseline score (centered on 60)0.9(0.9, 1.0) <0.001b
 Time, y−0.2(−0.5, 0.1)0.27
 Age groupa coded 1 (35–45 y)−3.1(−8.3, 2.1)0.24
 Age groupa coded 2 (>45 y)−7.2(−12.3, −2.0)0.007b
 Intercept35.0(33.5, 36.5)<0.001b
 Baseline score (centered on 46)0.9(0.8, 1.0)<0.001b
 Time, y0.1(−0.1, 0.4)0.22
 Intercept13.7(13.2, 14.1)<0.001b
 Baseline score (centered on 16)1.0(0.9, 1.1)<0.001b
 Time, y−0.03(−0.11, 0.05)0.45
  • Abbreviations: ODI, Oswestry Disability Index; RMDQ, Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire; VAS-B, visual analog scale for back pain; VAS-L, visual analog scale for leg pain.

  • a Reference age group coded 0: <35 y.

  • b Statistically significant P < 0.0125. A negative coefficient signifies a decrease in improvement. The intercept coefficient represents the mean change score at year 1 for patients with median baseline for VAS-B, ODI, and RMDQ and for the <35 y age group for VAS-L.