Table 1

Case characteristics and vascular complications, age, surgical level, injured structure, lesion treatment, and estimated blood loss.

CaseAge, ySurgical LevelInjuryTreatmentEstimated Blood Loss, cc
168L5-S1Iliolumbar veinNA10
368L5-S1Left iliac veinSuture, compression, hemostatic, human thrombin1500
455L5-S1Iliac veinBipolar, compression, hemostatic1000
562L4-L5-S1Left iliac veinSuture100
658L4-L5-S1Iliopelvic veinCompression with gauze and hemostatic500
779L4-L5-S1Left iliac veinSuture, compression, hemostatic450
835L5-S1Iliac veinSuture300
940L4-L5-S1NACompression, hemostatic400
  • Abbreviation: NA, not available.