Table 4

Patient comorbidity characteristics across Clavien grades.

CharacteristicClavien Grade P Value
Diabetes mellitus14.5%54.2% <0.001
Smoking status14.1%16.8%0.526
Cigarette pack-years <0.001
Alcohol consumption, >2 drinks/d2.4%4.5% 0.027
Preoperative functional health status0.967
 Partially dependent5.5%4.7%
 Totally dependent1%0.8%
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease4.6%4.7%0.645
Congestive heart failure0.4%0.3%0.546
History of myocardial infarction 6 mo prior0%0%0.55
Previous percutaneous coronary intervention5.1%9.0% 0.001
Previous cardiac surgery4.8%6.0%0.341
Revascularization/amputation for peripheral vascular disease0.5%0.3% <0.001
Rest pain/gangrene0%0%0.55
Acute renal failure0.1%0.2%0.063
Preoperative dialysis0.5%3.0% <0.001
Impaired sensorium1%1.5%0.131
Hemiplegia0.5%3.0% <0.001
Paraplegia5.3%9.0% 0.009
Quadraplegia0.7%3.0% 0.002
History of transient ischemic attack1.9%0% 0.003
Cerebral vascular accident /stroke with neurological deficit1.7%1.5%0.971
Tumor involving central nervous system1.4%4.5% <0.001
Disseminated cancer2.6%3.0% 0.016
Open wound/wound infection1.2%1.4% 0.016
Steroid use for chronic infection5.1%5.7%0.057
>10% Loss body weight in past 6 mo1%0.9%0.111
Bleeding disorders2.3%5.1% <0.001
Transfusion <72 h before surgery2%0.8% 0.002
Chemotherapy ≤30 d before surgery1.0%3.0% 0.001
Radiotherapy in past 90 d0.5%0%0.3
Prior operation within 30 d8.7%13.6% 0.002
American Society of Anesthesiologists classification0.641
 1—No disturbance1.9%3.1%
 2—Mild disturbance36.9%40.0%
 3—Severe disturbance57.4%53.5%
 4—Life-threatening disturbance3.7%3.3%
  • Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance at P < 0.05 across complication levels.