Table 2

Surgical features of patients undergoing biportal endoscopic lumbar surgery.

VariableOutpatientInpatientTotalP Valuea
n = 58n = 26N = 84
Number of levels
 1 Level51 (88%)16 (62%)67 (80%)0.013
 2 Levels7 (12%)10 (38%)17 (20%)
Levels addressedb
 L1–21 (2%)1 (3%)2 (2%)0.170
 L2–36 (9%)2 (6%)8 (8%)
 L3–49 (14%)11 (31%)20 (20%)
 L4–532 (49%)18 (50%)50 (50%)
 L5–S117 (26%)4 (11%)21 (21%)
Primary diagnosis
 Stenosis26 (45%)24 (92%)50 (60%)0.0001
 Disc herniation32 (55%)2 (8%)34 (40%)
Primary procedure
 Discectomy32 (55%)2 (8%)34 (40%)0.0001
 Laminotomy/decompression26 (45%)24 (92%)50 (60%)
  • a Adjusted threshold for statistical significance, P < 0.0125.

  • b Total number of levels addressed was 65 for outpatients, 36 for inpatients, and 101 for all patients.