Table 2

Patient demographic, comorbidity, and preoperative characteristics in American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program patients undergoing posterior cervical decompression with or without fusion.

VariableNormal (GNRI >98)Moderately Malnourished (GNRI 92–98)Severely Malnourished (GNRI <92) P
Age, y, median (IQR)72 (68−76)73 (68−79)74 (69−80) <0.001
BMI, kg/m2, median (IQR)28.7 (25.5–32.4)28.3 (24.7–32.5)26.3 (22.1–31.3) <0.001
 Male2900 (58.5%)820 (56.5%)685 (57.9%)0.402
 Female2061 (41.5%)632 (43.5%)499 (42.1%)
BMI cohorts, kg/m2
 Underweight (<18.5)24 (0.5%)34 (2.3%)79 (6.7%) <0.001
 Normal weight (18.5–24.9)1042 (21.0%)359 (24.7%)410 (34.6%)
 Overweight (25.0–29.9)1908 (38.5%)491 (33.8%)350 (29.6%)
 Obese (>30.0)1987 (40.1%)568 (39.1%)345 (29.1%)
Age cohorts, y
 65–814367 (88.0%)1189 (81.9%)906 (76.5%) <0.001
 81+594 (12.0%)263 (18.1%)278 (23.5%)
 White3821 (81.7%)1030 (76.4%)753 (70.8%) <0.001
 Black446 (9.0)185 (12.8)184 (15.6)
 Hispanic412 (8.3)133 (9.2)127 (10.2)
 Other277 (5.6)102 (7.0)118 (10.0)
Admission status
 Inpatient4202 (84.7%)1290 (88.8%)1135 (95.9%) <0.001
 Outpatient759 (15.3%)162 (11.2%)49 (4.1%)
 Smoking history525 (10.6%)210 (14.5%)192 (16.2%) <0.001
 Diabetes mellitus1315 (26.5)429 (29.5)350 (29.6)0.018
 Hypertension requiring medication3660 (73.8%)1102 (75.9%)872 (73.6%)0.243
 Cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack34 (0.7%)14 (1.0%)18 (1.5%)0.019
 Hemiplegia/quadraplegia/paraplegia33 (0.7%)19 (1.3%)24 (2.0%) <0.001
 Steroid use275 (5.5%)126 (8.7%)128 (10.8%) <0.001
 >10% weight loss within past 6 mo28 (0.6%)20 (1.4%)50 (4.2%) <0.001
 Disseminated cancer102 (2.1%)45 (3.1%)95 (8.0%) <0.001
 Pulmonary comorbidity583 (11.8%)246 (16.9%)218 (18.4%) <0.001
  Dyspnea357 (7.2)135 (9.3)96 (8.1) 0.027
  Ventilator dependent7 (0.1)13 (0.9)47 (4.0) <0.001
  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease322 (6.5)143 (9.8)116 (9.8) <0.001
 Cardiac comorbidity108 (2.2%)40 (2.8%)46 (3.9%) 0.003
  Congestive heart failure36 (0.7)24 (1.7)36 (3.0) <0.001
  Prior cardiac intervention44 (!2.4)10 (10.8)7 (8.9)0.655
  Previous cardiac surgery40 (11.2)9 (9.7)7 (8.9)0.784
 Renal comorbidity21 (0.4%)25 (1.7%)61 (5.2%) <0.001
  Renal failure2 (0.0)3 (0.2)14 (1.2) <0.001
  On dialysis20 (0.4)24 (1.7)57 (4.8) <0.001
 ASA class > 33476 (70.1%)1164 (80.2%)1094 (92.3%) <0.001
Surgical specialty
 Orthopedic surgery1464 (29.5%)397 (27.3%)268 (22.6%) 0.002
 Neurosurgery3479 (70.1%)1049 (72.2%)914 (77.2%)
 Other subspecialty26 (0.4%)6 (0.5%)2 (0.2%)
Albumin (g/dL)
 <3.50 (0.0%)217 (14.9%)1094 (92.4%) <0.001
 3.5–3.790 (0.0%)1127 (77.6%)70 (5.9%)
 ≥3.84961 (100.0%)108 (7.4%)20 (1.7%)
ASA classification
 122 (0.4)3 (0.2)3 (0.3) <0.001
 21459 (29.4)285 (19.6)86 (7.3)
 33188 (64.3)974 (67.1)756 (64.0)
 4288 (5.8)190 (13.1)338 (28.5)
 50 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Levels of repair
 Single4015 (80.5)1127 (77.6)897 (75.8) <0.001
 Multiple946 (19.1)325 (22.4)287 (24.2)
  • Abbreviations: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; BMI, body mass index; GNRI, geriatric nutritional risk index; IQR, interquartile range.

  • Note: Data presented as n (%) unless otherwise indicated. P values in boldface indicate statistically significant comparisons.