Table 1

Demographic data of the spinal thoracic tuberculosis patients at the initial visit.

CharacteristicNeurodeficit Group
(n = 71)
Control Group
(n = 44)
P Value
Age, y, mean ± SD56.69 ± 16.9558.00 ± 14.800.674
 Male38 (53.5%)19 (43.2%)
 Female33 (46.5%)25 (56.8%)
BMI, mean ± SD21.53 ± 4.8920.39 ± 3.420.182
Level of thoracic involvement
 Proximal thoracic (T1-T4)9 (12.7%)1 (2.3%) 0.037
 Middle thoracic (T5-T8)23 (32.4%)9 (20.4%)
 Distal thoracic (T9-T12/L1)38 (53.5%)34 (77.3%)
 Extensive lesion1 (1.4%)0 (0%)
Onset, d, mean ± SD113.60 ± 179.8100.02 ± 122.090.660
 <3018 (25.4%)7 (15.9%)0.398
 30–9032 (45.0%)25 (56.8%)
 >9021 (29.6%)12 (27.3%)
Peak ESR, mean ± SD64.84 ± 27.8362.37 ± 28.620.652
Peak CRP, mean ± SD66.55 ± 63.7347.88 ± 62.880.133
Type of involvement
 Paradiscal49 (69%)35 (79.5%)0.050
 Central6 (8.5%)7 (15.9%)
 Panvertebral13 (18.3%)2 (4.6%)
 Anterior0 (0%)0 (0%)
 Posterior3 (4.2%)0 (0%)
 Abscess53 (74.6%)30 (68.2%)0.281
 Granulation tissue7 (9.9%)6 (13.6%)
 Disc0 (0%)1 (2.3%)
 Vertebral body bulging9 (12.7%)5 (11.4%)
 None0 (0%)2 (4.5%)
 Combined2 (2.8%)0 (0%)
X-ray imaging
 Number of vertebral involvement1.73 ± 0.641.68 ± 0.670.709
 AVH loss
  >50%36 (51.4%)23 (54.8%)0.845
  <50%35 (48.6%)21 (45.2%)
  >30 14 (20%)7 (16.7%)0.804
  <30 57 (80%)37 (83.3%)
 Loss of anterior CSF69 (97.2%)41 (93.2%)0.369
 Loss of posterior CSF62 (87.3%)21 (47.7%) <0.001
 Cord signal change56 (78.9%)8 (18.2%) <0.001
 Canal encroachment, %, mean [SD]32.92 ± 15.6456.79 ± 27.42 <0.001
 Canal encroachment >50%66 (92.9%)21 (47.7%) <0.001
  • Abbreviations: AVH, anterior vertebral height; CRP, C-reactive protein; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

  • Note: Data presented as n (%) unless otherwise noted. Bold values represent statistically significant comparisons (P < 0.05).