mJOA9 | Final mJOA-BR17 | Points | |
Portuguese | English Translation | ||
I. Motor dysfunction of the upper extremity | Função motora dos Membros Superiores | Motor function of upper limbs | |
Unable to feed oneself | Incapaz de se alimentar | Unable to feed oneself | 0 |
Unable to use knife and fork; able to eat with spoon | Incapaz de usar garfo e faca, mas consegue comer com uma colher | Unable to use fork and knife; able to eat with a spoon | 1 |
Able to use knife and fork with much difficulty | Capaz de usar garfo e faca com muita dificuldade | Able to use fork and knife with much difficulty | 2 |
Able to use knife and fork with slight difficulty | Capaz de usar garfo e faca com alguma dificuldade | Able to use fork and knife with some difficulty | 3 |
None | Normal | Normal | 4 |
II. Motor dysfunction of the lower extremity | Função motora dos Membros Inferiores | Motor function of lower limbs | |
Unable to walk | Incapaz de andar | Unable to walk | 0 |
Can walk on flat floor with walking aid | Capaz de andar em piso plano com auxílio (bengalas, muletas ou andador) | Capable to walk on flat floor with aid (walking sticks, crutches, or walking devices) | 1 |
Can walk up and/or down stairs with handrail | Capaz de subir ou descer escadas com auxílio do corrimão | Capable to walk up or downstairs with handrail aid | 2 |
Lack of stability and smooth gait | Capaz de andar, subir e/ou descer escadas sem corrimão porém com alguma instabilidade | Capable of walking, walk up and/or downstairs without handrail aid, with some instability | 3 |
None | Marcha normal | Normal gait | 4 |
III. Sensory deficit | Déficit sensitivo | Sensory deficit | |
Upper extremity | Membros superiores | Upper limbs | |
Upper extremity, severe sensory loss, or pain | Membros superiores, perda sensitiva severa ou dor | Upper limbs, severe sensory loss, or pain | 0 |
Upper extremity and mild sensory loss | Membros superiores, perda sensitive leve | Upper limbs and mild sensory loss | 1 |
Upper extremity and none | Membros superiores, sem perda sensitiva | Upper limbs and no sensory loss | 2 |
Lower extremity | Membros inferiores | Lower Limbs | |
Lower extremity, severe sensory loss, or pain | Membros inferiores, perda sensitiva severa ou dor | Lower limbs, severe sensory loss, or pain | 0 |
Lower extremity and mild sensory loss | Membros inferiores, perda sensitive leve | Lower limbs and mild sensory loss | 1 |
Lower extremity and none | Membros inferiores, sem perda sensitiva | Lower limbs and no sensory loss | 2 |
Trunk | Tronco | Trunk | |
Trunk, severe sensory loss, or pain | Tronco, perda sensitiva severa ou dor | Trunk, severe sensory loss, or pain | 0 |
Trunk and mild sensory loss | Tronco, perda sensitive leve | Trunk and mild sensory loss | 1 |
Trunk and none | Tronco, sem perda sensitiva | Trunk and no sensory loss | 2 |
IV. Sphincter dysfunction | Disfunção esfincteriana | Sphincter dysfunction | |
Unable to void | Incapaz de urinar espontaneamente | Unable to urinate spontaneously | 0 |
Marked difficulty in micturition (retention) | Capaz de urinar, porém apresenta retenção | Capable to urinate, but with retention | 1 |
Difficulty in micturition (frequency and hesitation) | Dificuldade na micção (aumento de frequência e/ou hesitação) | Difficulty in micturition (increase in frequency and/or hesitation) | 2 |
None | Ausente | Absent | 3 |
Abbreviations: mJOA, modified Japanese Orthopedic Association; mJOA-BR17, 17-point Brazilian Portuguese modified Japanese Orthopedic Association.
Note: The mJOA and mJOA-BR17 result in a total score ranging from 0 to 17. A normal score is 17 points.