Table 1

Comparing efficacy, utility, and cost challenges of osteobiological agents.

Bone morphogenetic proteinsProteins involved in the differentiation of osteoblasts and chondroblastsComparable and highHighVariable fusion rates across different procedures, associated with serious complicationsNew delivery methods to reduce dose-limiting effects; advantages outweigh risks in vulnerable population
Platelet-rich plasmaContains growth factorsPromisingUnavailableLack of standardization in research protocolsHigh fusion rates
Autologous conditioned serumGrowth factors extracted from the patient’s serumInconclusiveUnavailableNo evidence regarding improving fusion ratesCost-effective
Demineralized bone matrixGraft extender containing growth factorsEffective, but as an adjunctLower than nonautologous graft materials but still relatively highExtreme variability in the number and types of products available for an accurate comparison, limited data for use in anterior spinal fusionsImproved clinical outcomes, lower intraoperative blood loss, and improved physical function.
Biomaterial scaffolds (ceramics and polypeptide-based compounds)Synthetic grafts made of osteoconductive materialsVariableHighLimited use in the anterior spine, increased resorption rates, brittle and weak in tension-based posterior spinal fusionsHigh efficacy in spinal fusion, synthetic, biodegradable, nontoxic, and noninflammatory.
Stem cells (mesenchymal and adipose-derived)Possessing autocrine and paracrine properties, effective for lineage progression and differentiationLimited studies in humansHighLow yield of mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow, difficulty in increasing their concentration in implanted grafts, potential risks associated with systemic viral or bacterial toxicity, immunity to certain viral strains, and ethical concerns surrounding genetic engineering and cell therapy.Improved postsurgery outcomes, comparable uptake, reduced healing time, comorbidities and systemic factors do not affect their outcomes adversely.
Cellular bone matricesOsteoconductive grafts made by combining allogeneic bone with allogeneic stem cellsPromisingHighLack of FDA requirement for preclinical or clinical data before commercial usage, effective concentration threshold rates still unknown.High fusion rates
  • Abbreviation: FDA, US Food and Drug Adminstration.