Table 3

Comparison of perioperative complications among single-level TLIFs with and without BMP use.

Postoperative ComplicationsNo BMPBMPTotal P
Postoperative complications 0–90 d15 (22.4%)12 (14.8%)27 (18.2%)0.235
 Wound complications 0–90 d1 (1.5%)0 (0.0%)1 (0.7%)0.270
 Medical complications 0–90 d5 (7.5%)4 (4.9%)9 (6.1%)0.522
 Neurological complication 0–90 d3 (4.5%)5 (6.2%)8 (5.4%)0.650
Complications at 90-d Follow-Up
Any readmission to follow-up11 (16.4%)8 (9.9%)19 (12.8%)0.236
All postoperative complications or readmission to follow-up29 (43.3%)26 (32.1%)55 (37.2%)0.161
Any neurological complications postoperative follow-up20 (29.9%)17 (21.0%)37 (25.0%)0.215
 Motor weakness2 (3.0%)1 (1.2%)3 (2.0%)0.452
 Stenosis0 (0.0%)1 (1.2%)1 (0.7%)0.361
 Radiculopathy13 (19.4%)8 (9.9%)21 (14.2%)0.098
  Radiculopathy resolved spontaneously without surgery3 (23.1%)2 (25.0%)5 (23.8%)0.920
 Sensory deficit2 (3.0%)3 (3.7%)5 (3.4%)0.810
 Persistent pain4 (6.0%)3 (3.7%)7 (4.7%)0.518
Pseudarthrosis at a minimum of 1-y follow-up5 (7.5%)5 (6.2%)10 (6.8%)0.756
 0–1 y1 (1.5%)2 (2.5%)3 (2.0%)0.549
 1–2 y4 (6.0%)2 (2.5%)6 (4.1%)
 2+ y0 (0.0%)1 (1.2%)1 (0.7%)
Medical complications, postoperative to follow-up5 (7.5%)4 (4.9%)9 (6.1%)0.522
Wound complications, postoperative to follow-up2 (3.0%)1 (1.2%)3 (2.0%)0.452
  • Abbreviations: BMP, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2; TLIF, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion.

  • Note: Data presented as n (%).