Table 2

Segmental total motion for each specimen (C2–T1) in the intact state and fused state after anterior cervical discectomy with cage placement and plate fixation at C5–C6.a

Motion SegmentSpecimen 1Specimen 2Specimen 3Specimen 4Specimen 5Specimen 6
C2–C3 (°)1015499081011516113130108−2
C3–C4 (°)128−41617189199011122108−2
C4–C5 (°)14184131631110−19901113212131
C5–C6 (°)41−391−8101−9113−8102−885−3
C6–C7 (°)1110−1111211518391231010012197
C7–T1 (°)88034181246713857136
  • a Gray shading indicates motion that exceeded the error of the testing system.