Table 3

Comparison of the UIV tilt angle and UIV screw angle in patients with and without proximal junctional kyphosis.

VariablesWith PJKWithout PJK P
UIV tilt angle
 Mean ± SD13.6° ± 14.1°12.5° ± 13.4°0.689
 Lordotic UIV tilt angle, n (%)34 (36.9)58 (63.1)0.405
 Neutral/kyphotic UIV tilt angle, n (%)7 (28.0)18 (72.0)
UIV screw angle
 Mean ± SD–0.4° ± 7.9°–4.7° ± 7.7° 0.005
 Cranially directed screws, n (%) (N = 32)17 (53.1)15 (46.9) 0.012
 Neutral/caudally directed screws, n (%) (N = 85)24 (28.2)61 (71.8)
  • Abbreviation: UIV, upper instrumented vertebrae.