Table 2

Newcastle-Ottawa Scale—for cohort studies.

StudyItems and ScoresTotal
Representativeness of the Exposed Cohort (1)Selection of the Nonexposed Cohort (1)Ascertainment of Exposure (1)Demonstration That Outcome of Interest Was Not Present at Start of Study (1)Compare Ability of Cohorts on the Basis of the Design or Analysis (2)Assessment of Outcome (1)Was Followed Up Long Enough for Outcomes to Occur (1)Adequacy of Follow-Up of Cohorts (1)
Allam et al, 201325 ★-8
Alqurashi et al, 202126 ★-8
Baky et al, 201939 ★--7
Bovonratwet et al, 201840 ★-8
Budu et al, 202041 ★-8
Crawford et al, 202242 ★-8
De Biase et al, 202143 ★-8
Du et al, 202044 ★-8
Edström et al, 202023,45 ★-8
Elmi-Terander et al, 202046 ★-8
Fan et al, 201747 ★-8
Fayed et al, 202048 ★-8
Fraser et al, 201049 ★-8
Fu et al, 200850 ★-8
Gao et al, 202151 ★-8
García-Fantini et al, 201852 ★-8
Good et al,53 ★★9
Gu et al,54 ★-8
Ishikawa et al, 201058 ★-8
Jin et al, 201659 ★-8
Karamian et al, 202332 ★-8
Katsevman et al, 202160 ★-8
Khanna et al, 201661 ★-8
Lai et al, 202265 ★-8
Laudato et al, 201866 ★-8
Lau et al, 201367 ★★9
Liounakos et al, 202168 ★-8
Lonjon et al, 201670 ★★9
Molliqaj et al, 201772 ★-8
Noshchenko et al, 201873 ★-8
Pendharkar et al, 201974 ★★9
Schatlo et al, 201478 ★★9
Schizas et al, 201279 ★-8
Shafi et al, 202280 ★★9
Shi et al, 202181 ★-8
Silbermann et al, 201183 ★-8
Solomiichuk et al, 201784 ★★9
Su et al, 202285 ★-8
Boon Tow et al, 201586 ★-8
Urbanski et al, 201887 ★-8
Wang et al, 202188 ★-8
Wang et al, 201989 ★-8
Waschke et al, 201390 ★-8
Yang et al, 201992 ★-8
Yan et al, 202293 ★-8
Zhang et al, 202194 ★-8
Zhang et al, 201995 ★-8
Zhang et al, 201996 ★-8
  • Abbreviations: -, The study did not describe items according to the Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment scale; ★, The study reported items according to the Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment scale; ★-, The study reported control for the analysis with any additional factor.

  • Note: The maximum number of stars for each item is indicated within parentheses.