Table 1

Descriptive variables—all patients.

FactorMean (SD)MinimumMaximum
Patient variables
 Age52.4 (19.0)1894
 Gender, n (%)
  Female96 (23.4)--
  Male314 (76.6)--
 Race, n (%)
  White206 (50.5)--
  Black174 (42.7)--
  Other28 (6.9)--
 Body mass index28.2 (7.5)12.463
 CCI1.8 (2.0)09
Clinic/ED variables
 BAC61.5 (101.2)0417
 ED O2 saturation96.0 (4.1)69100
 ED Glasgow Coma Scale13.8 (3.1)315
 ISS17.8 (12.6)475
 TRISS0.9 (0.2)0.010.99
Quantity of complication variables
 Cardiac0.0 (0.2)02
 Deep vein thrombosis0.1 (0.3)02
 Genitourinary0.2 (0.6)05
 Nervous system0.2 (0.4)02
 Oropharynx0.1 (0.4)02
 Postoperative infection0.1 (0.4)03
 Respiratory0.2 (0.6)04
 Skin/wound0.1 (0.4)04
 Total complication categories affected1.2 (1.4)07
 Total individual complications1.4 (1.8)011
Glucose and other outcome variables
 HbA1C6.2 (1.6)4.612.6
 Highest glucose reading prior to surgery139.2 (56.4)63671
 Highest glucose reading within 72 h postoperative163.1 (67.7)83547
 If postoperative glucose was >200 mg/dL, how many times?0.8 (2.8)022
 Total hospital days22.9 (31.8)1281
 Total ICU days6.7 (9.9)0103
 Total ventilator days4.6 (13.3)0117
 ASIA grade at most recent follow-up4.4 (1.1)15
 Best ASIA grade within 1 wk of injury postop4.0 (1.2)15
 Preoperative ASIA grade3.9 (1.2)15
  • Abbreviations: ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale; BAC, blood alcohol concentration; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit; ISS, Injury Severity Score; TRISS, Trauma Score and Injury Severity Score.

  • Note: Data presented as mean (SD) unless otherwise noted.