Table 4

Published rates of percutaneous pedicle screw accuracy in lateral decubitus single-position anterior-posterior surgery assessed by computed tomography.

AuthorYearInsertion TechniqueNo. of ScrewsBreach RateBreach GradingBreach LateralityFacet Joint Violations
Blizzard et al6 2018Fluoroscopy3005.1%Grade II: 84.6% Grade III: 15.4%Medial: 69.2%
Lateral: 23.1%
Ouchida et al16 2020Computer-assisted navigation2281.8%Grade II: unknown
Grade III: 100%
Okuda et al17 2023Computer-assisted navigation4534.6%Grade II: 52.4%
Grade III: 27.3%Grade IV: 18.2%
Medial: 14.3%
Lateral: 85.7%
Hiyama et al24 2023Computer-assisted navigation7281.9%Grade II: 35.7%
Grade III: 50% Grade IV: 14.3%
Present study2024Computer-assisted navigation2205%Grade II: 90%
Grade III: 0%
Grade IV: 10%
Medial: 0 %
Lateral: 100%
  • a Grade II breaches were not reported in this study.

  • b Only screws in the lumbar spine were considered.