Table 3

Fusion status success.

Surgical ApproachSuccessful Fusion
Bridging Bone
n (%)
n (%)
Bridging Bone + QMAa
n (%)
12 Mo (n = 205)
 Overall fusion success202 (98.5)189 (92.2)187 (91.2)
 By approach
  Anterior (n = 53)52 (98.1)45 (84.9)44 (83.0)
  Lateral (n = 56)56 (100.0)53 (94.6)53 (94.6)
  Posterior (n = 96)94 (97.9)91 (94.7)90 (93.8)
24 Mo (n = 184)
 Overall fusion success182 (98.9)170 (92.4)169 (91.8)
 By approach
  Anterior (n = 48)47 (97.9)42 (87.5)41 (85.4)
  Lateral (n = 51)51 (100.0)48 (94.1)49 (96.1)
  Posterior (n = 85)84 (98.8)80 (94.1)79 (92.9)
  • Abbreviation: QMA, quantitative motion analysis.

  • Note: Numbers reported for bridging bone, QMA, and bridging bone plus QMA are only for patients with successful fusion.

  • a No statistically significant difference was observed between surgical approaches at 12 and 24 months.