Table 2

Malfunctions of interspinous process devices.

Implant MalfunctionsAcross Implantsa Within Implantsb
CoflexSuperionX-StopOverall, % (n)CoflexSuperionX-Stop
Spindle cap malfunction during deployment0.0%100.0%0.0%52.1% (195)0.0%53.4%0.0%
Broke on deployment or broke off of inserter/connector0.0%100.0%0.0%35.8% (134)0.0%36.7%0.0%
Fragmentation/bending24.2%75.8%0.0%8.8% (33)100.0%6.8%0.0%
Not specified0.0%91.7%8.3%3.2% (12)0.0%3.0%100.0%
  • a Across group analysis demonstrates that the proportion of total implant malfunctions for a given malfunction type is attributed to each implant manufacturer.

  • b Within groups analysis demonstrates the contribution of malfunction type to the total pool of implant malfunctions for a given manufacturer/implant.