Table 4

Mean values for the outer diameter (OD), inner diameter (ID), spinolaminar angle (SLA), and screw length (SL) for subgroups according to ethnicity and gender.

MeasureNZE MenNZE WomenMāori MenMāori Women P
Right OD (mm)6.56.3a 7.1a , b 6.2b 0.012
Left OD (mm)6.86.6a 7.3a , b 6.4 a, b 0.008
Right ID (mm)3.53.3a 3.9a , b 3.2b 0.034
Left ID (mm)3.83.5a 4.3a , b 3.3b <0.001
Right SLA (°)44.8c 46.147.3c 46.4 0.003
Left SLA (°)45.0c 46.546.8c 47.1 0.045
Right SL (mm)32.2d , e 30.0a , e 32.9a , b 29.7b , d <0.001
Left SL (mm)32.3e 29.7a , e 32.4a 30.1 <0.001
  • Abbreviation: NZE, New Zealand European.

  • Note: Group comparisons were performed using a 1-way analysis of variance. Significant between-group differences are noted by symbols assigned as follows. Significant P values appear in bold type.

  • a NZE women: Māori men

  • b Māori men: Māori women

  • c NZE men: Māori men

  • d NZE men: Māori women

  • e NZE men: NZE women