Table 3

Postoperative patient outcomes stratified by perceived surgical outcome at 3 months.

Outcome MeasureGood
(N = 130)
(N = 34)
P q a
VAS Back Outcomes, median (IQR)
 Preoperative6.0 (4.0–7.4)6.0 (5.0–7.8)0.243b 0.547
 ΔDay 11.5 (–0.9–3.7)1.1 (–0.1–3.2)0.893c 0.966
 ΔDay 42.0 (0–4.5)2.2 (0–4.6)0.953d 0.966
 Δ1 week2.5 (0.5–5.0)2.5 (1.1–4.0)0.864c 0.966
 Δ2 weeks3.0 (1.0–5.0)3.0 (1.0–4.7)0.890d 0.966
 Δ3 months3.5 (1.0–6.0)1.7 (–0.7–3.9) 0.002b 0.009
VAS Ipsilateral Leg Outcomes, median (IQR)
 Preoperative6.3 (4.0–8.0)6.0 (4.1–8.0)0.966b 0.966
 ΔDay 13.8 (1.0–6.5)2.5 (0–6.0)0.170b 0.437
 ΔDay 43.6 (1.0–6.0)3.0 (–0.6–6.3)0.334b 0.547
 Δ1 week3.6 (1.5–6.5)2.5 (–0.4–4.4) 0.016b 0.058
 Δ2 weeks4.0 (2.0–6.5)1.5 (–0.8–4.4) 0.002b 0.009
 Δ3 months4.5 (2.9–7.2)2.5 (–0.9–5.1) 0.001b 0.009
ODI Outcomes, median (IQR)
 Preoperative20.2 (15.1–26.0)20.1 (16.1–28.0)0.320d 0.547
 ΔDay 10 (–6.0–7.7)–2.5 (–10.8–5.8)0.562d 0.806
 ΔDay 4–1.0 (–5.7–7.8)0 (–9.0–8.2)0.582d 0.806
 Δ1 week2.8 (–3.9–9.9)0.9 (–7.9–8.8)0.294d 0.547
 Δ2 weeks5.0 (–2.8–11.2)2.1 (–4.9–7.6)0.090b 0.270
 Δ3 months12.1 (6.8–19.0)4.1 (–2.5–10.2) <0.001d <0.001
  • Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; VAS, visual analog scale.

  • Note: “Δ” Values are reported as the median change in score from preoperative evaluation to the indicated follow-up time point. Positive values represent an improvement and negative values represent a decline. Boldface indicates statistical significance (p < 0.05).

  • a False discovery rate correction for multiple testing.

  • b Wilcoxon rank sum test.

  • c Welch’s t test.

  • d Two sample t test.