Table 4

Primary and secondary outcomes of patients undergoing ACDF with either UCF or MLCF.a

(n = 562)
(n = 281)
LOS, mean (95% CI)1.6 (1.4–1.8)3.0 (2.6–3.5) <0.0001
Discharge location, % (n) <0.0001
 Home92.7 (521)84.0 (236)
 Nursing facility0.4 (2)1.1 (3)
 In-patient1.6 (9)9.3 (26)
 Outpatient5.3 (30)5.7 (16)
NS postsurgery (n = 628), % (n) <0.0001
 Resolved/improved75.8 (313)60.5 (130)
 No change/worsen24.2 (100)39.5 (85)
Complications, % (n)
 At least 1 major complication13.0 (73)15.1 (42)0.435
 New neurological deficit5.2 (29)5.3 (15)0.913
 Revision surgery3.0 (17)4.3 (12)0.350
 At least 1 minor complication18.7 (105)29.5 (83) 0.0004
 Dysphagia15.0 (84)22.1 (62) 0.010
  • Abbreviations: ACDF, anterior cervical discectomy and fusion; CI, confidence interval; LOS, length of stay; MLCF, middle-to-lower cervical fusion; NS, neurological symptoms; UCF, upper cervical fusion.

  • Note: Boldface indicates statistically significant comparison.

  • a Patients were classified as UCF or MLCF based on the inclusion of C3 to C4 level in the ACDF construct.