Table 1

Baseline patient demographics.a

(n = 562)
(n = 281)
Age, y, mean (SD)53.7 (10.8)58.3 (9.4) <0.0001
BMI, kg/m2, mean (SD)30.3 (7.3)29.3 (6.8)0.063
Sex, % (n) <0.0001
 Woman53.0 (298)29.2 (82)
 Man47.0 (264)70.8 (199)
Race, % (n) <0.0001
 Black or African American35.6 (200)56.9 (160)
 White or Caucasian60.9 (342)39.5 (111)
 Other3.0 (17)2.5 (7)
 Not available0.5 (3)1.1 (3)
Insurance, % (n) 0.005
 Medicaid27.2 (153)18.9 (53)
 Medicare32.4 (182)44.5 (125)
 Self-pay20.8 (117)16.7 (47)
 Private12.3 (69)11.7 (33)
 Other7.3 (41)8.2 (23)
Married or with partner, % (n)39.2 (220)41.3 (115)0.786
Psychiatric diagnosis, % (n)
 Anxiety36.7 (206)27.8 (78) 0.014
 Depression33.3 (187)23.8 (67) 0.005
 Psychotic2.7 (15)2.5 (7)0.879
  • Abbreviations: ACDF, anterior cervical discectomy and fusion; BMI, body mass index; MLCF, middle-to-lower cervical fusion; UCF, upper cervical fusion.

  • Note: Boldface indicates statistically significant comparison.

  • a Patients were classified as UCF or MLCF based on the inclusion of C3 to C4 level in the ACDF construct.