Table 1

Definition of metrics used in the present study.

MetricDefinition (units)
Position metrics
 Standing/walkingTime spent standing or walking (%)
 SittingTime spent sitting (%)
 LyingTime spent lying (%)
 Daily step countAverage steps walked per day
Base gait metrics
 Gait velocityDistance traveled per second (m/s)
 Step lengthDistance between 2 consecutive contacts of any foot with the ground (m)
 Step timeTime between 2 consecutive contacts of any foot with the ground (s)
 Double supportPercentage of time where both feet are in contact with the ground (%)
Derivative gait metrics
 Symmetry scoreGait symmetry index (score from 0–100), calculated as the sum of the 3 components below.
  • Gait velocity (m/s)

  • Step time asymmetry: step-to-step variability in step time (ms)

  • Step length asymmetry: step-to-step variability in step length (cm)

 Gait velocity variability scoreStep-to-step variability of gait velocity, calculated as the coefficient of variation (CoV):
 WORM scoreQuantifies the stability, or “figure-of-8” motion of a subject’s trunk during walking as an indicator of falls-risk with exact calculations by Mobbs et al.23
  • Abbreviation: WORM, walking orientation randomness metric.

  • Note: Position metrics, steps, and base gait metrics are directly calculated by the sensor. Derivative gait metrics are mathematically derived from the base gait metrics and are not directly calculated by the sensor. Symmetry is related to differences between the left and right leg. Variability is related to differences in gait velocity between each step.