Table 1

Demographic information of trauma cases involving a moped or scooter before and after increased regulation.

CharacteristicPrelaw(N = 239)Postlaw(N = 111) P
Age, y, mean (SD)43.2 (15)47.4 (12.9) 0.01
BMI, mean (SD)26.5 (5.5)27.5 (6.4)0.3
Race, n (%)
 White130 (54.4)63 (56.8)
 Black91 (38.1)41 (36.9)
 Other18 (7.5)7 (6.3)
Gender, n (%)
 Men210 (87.9)106 (95.5) 0.03
 Women29 (12.1)5 (4.5)
Patient ethnicity, n (%)
 Not Hispanic or Latino234 (97.9)107 (96.4)0.47
 Hispanic or Latino5 (2.1)4 (3.6)
Incidence of vertebral fractures, n (%)
 Total47 (19.7)13 (11.7)0.09
 Cervical25 (10.5)10 (9)0.8
 Thoracic16 (6.7)3 (2.7)0.19
 Lumbar16 (6.7)2 (1.8)0.07
Incidence of spinal cord injuries, n (%)
 Total7 (2.9%)0 (0%)0.1
  • Abbreviation: BMI, body mass index.

  • Note: Bolded values indicate a statistically significant finding with P < 0.05.