Table 1

UTI incidence in patients undergoing posterior arthrodesis with either <7, 7–12, or >12 levels fused.

Matched DataNo. of Levels FusedPairwise Significance by No. of Levels Fused
<77–12>12<7 vs 7–12<7 vs >127–12 vs >12
Total No. of procedures178717871787---
UTI contracted within:
 1 wk22 (1.2)20 (1.1)12 (0.7)0.8760.120.21
 1 mo36 (2.0)31 (1.7)47 (2.6)0.620.30.09
 2 mo48 (2.7)39 (2.2)60 (3.6)
 3 mo64 (3.6)48 (2.7)70 (3.9)
  • Abbreviation: UTI, urinary tract infection.

  • Note: The 3 sets of levels were matched for age and gender.