Table 4

Comparison of clinical outcomes in osteoporotic vs nonosteoporotic patients.

CharacteristicNonosteoporosis (n = 70)Osteoporosis (n = 32) P
Age, y, mean (SD)72.1 (8.0)76.1 (5.6)0.011a
Sex, men/women, n 43/276/26<0.001a
Height, cm, mean (SD)159.6 (8.5)151.9 (7.2)<0.001a
Body weight, kg, mean (SD)63.8 (12.6)51.9 (8.4)<0.001a
BMI, mean (SD)24.9 (3.7)22.5 (3.3)0.002a
Tobacco use, n (%)13 (19)3 (9)0.194
Steroid use, n (%)4 (6)6 (19)0.092
Indications, n (%)
 LCS+ (LDS)61 (87)27 (84)0.362
 Degenerative lumbar scoliosis7 (10)2 (6)
 Foraminal stenosis1 (1)3 (9)
 Lumbar disc herniation1 (1)0 (0)
Lumbar BMD, mean (SD)1.059 (0.213)0.800(0.134)<0.001a
Lumbar YAM BMD, %, mean (SD)107.8 (21.5)81.5 (13.1)<0.001a
Lumbar spine T score, mean (SD)0.7 (1.9)−1.6 (1.1)<0.001a
Femoral neck BMD, mean (SD)0.717 (0.119)0.509 (0.065)<0.001a
Femoral neck YAM BMD, %, mean (SD)90.5 (14.9)64.1 (7.6)<0.001a
Femoral neck T score, mean (SD)−0.9 (1.3)−3.2 (0.6)<0.001a
Low YAM BMD, %, mean (SD)89.3 (14.4)63.7 (7.1)<0.001a
Low T score, mean (SD)−0.9 (1.3)−3.2 (0.6)<0.001a
Inner diameter of the femoral shaft, mean (SD)13.9 (2.0)14.5 (1.9)0.200
Outer diameter of the femoral shaft, mean (SD)29.2 (2.3)27.7 (2.4)0.005a
CBR, mean (SD)0.477 (0.056)0.521 (0.050)<0.001a
  • Abbreviations: BMD, bone mineral density; BMI, body mass index; CBR, canal bone ratio; LCS, lumbar canal stenosis; LDS, lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis; YAM, young adult mean.

  • Note: Data presented as mean (SD) or number of patients (%).

  • a Statistically significant.