Table 2

Future developments in cervical arthroplasty.

Expansion of Indications
 >2 levels
 Index level kyphosis
 Collapsed discs
 Cervical spondylotic myelopathy
 Congenital canal stenosis
Improved Biokinematics Signature and Prosthesis Survival
 Custom-made devices to match individual’s COR and LDC
 Protection of compensatory mechanism while aging
 Biomaterials to reduce wear and debris
Understand and Control Complications
 Anterior osteolysis: timeline, causes, and management
 Heterotopic calcification control
 Revision strategies for failed cases
 Long-term value-based studies
 Device costs
 Surgeon’s reimbursement
  • Abbreviations: COR, center of rotation; LDC, load-displacement curves.