Mean stiffness values (N = 6) for the sagittal and coronal bending test modes (Nmm/degree)
Mode | Level | Intact | Discectomy | Implant |
Flexion | Control Surgical | 4168 ± 566 4785 ± 1437 | 3804 ± 360 4817 ± 1220 | 4034 ± 627 4911 ± 1432 |
Extension | Control Surgical | 6032 ± 2148 4759 ± 2441 | 6754 ± 2220 8925 ± 5397* | 5983 ± 1640 5904 ± 2632 |
Left bend | Control Surgical | 4557 ± 1214 3566 ± 869 | 4578 ± 1294 4191 ± 1098 | 4522 ± 1283 4594 ± 1092 |
Right bend | Control Surgical | 4764 ± 1658 3923 ± 1260 | 4738 ± 1720 4310 ± 1150 | 4731 ± 1711 4006 ± 1097 |
↵* Denotes significant difference (P < .05) from intact.