Table 1

Patient characteristics (N = 57)

Age (mean ± SD) (y)71.9 ± 10.4
Female [n (%)]46 (80.7)
Body mass index* (mean ± SD) (kg/m2)26.5 ± 4.4
Duration of symptoms [n (%)]
 <6 wk29 (50.9)
 6 wk to <3 mo10 (17.5)
 3 mo to <6 mo7 (12.3)
 6–12 mo11 (19.3)
No. of treated levels [n (%)]
 151 (89.5)
 25 (8.8)
 31 (1.7)
Pre-existing medical conditions [n (%)]
 None15 (26.3)
 Metabolic9 (15.8)
 Cardiovascular22 (38.6)
 Diabetes3 (5.3)
 Gastrointestinal13 (22.8)
 Osteoporosis, arthritis7 (12.3)
Pain severity score on VAS* (mean ± SD) (mm)79.3 ± 17.2
ODI (mean ± SD) (%)68.1 ± 16.9
  • * Two missing values.

  • Patients may have multiple conditions (thus the total is >100%).

  • One missing value.