Table 1

Patient Demographics: Food and Drug Administration Investigational Device Exemption Study of the Charité Artificial Disc

Investigational Group (N = 205)Control Group (N = 99) P
Gender, no. (%)
 Men113 (55.1)44 (44.4).088
 Women92 (44.9)55 (55.6)
Age, y
 Mean (SD)39.6 (8.16)39.6 (9.07).946
  > 45, no. (%)47 (22.9)30 (30.3).205
  ≤ 45, no. (%)158 (77.1)69 (69.7)
Race, no. (%)
 White188 (91.7)87 (87.9).540
 African American8 (3.9)5 (5.0)
 Other9 (4.4)7 (7.1)
Height, cm
 Mean (SD)172.3173.6.249
Weight, kg
 Mean (SD)77.5 (15.67)81.7 (16.46).035
Body mass indexa
 Mean (SD)26.0 (4.23)27.0 (4.76).056
Previous spinal surgery, no. (%)
 Yes70 (34.1)33 (33.3).999
 No135 (65.9)66 (66.7)
Normal activity level before experiencing back pain, no. (%)
 Active188 (91.7)86 (86.9).284
 Moderate15 (7.3)11 (11.1)
 Light1 (0.5)2 (2.0)
 Minimal1 (0.5)0
Activity level at enrollment, no. (%)
 Active9 (4.4)1 (1.0).064
 Moderate26 (12.7)5 (5.0)
 Light54 (26.3)27 (27.3)
 Minimal116 (56.6)66 (66.7)
Preoperative work status, no. (% working)109 (53.2)57 (57.6).470
  • Note. Fisher's exact test was used to test categorical variables. Student's t test was used to test means.

  • a Weight (in kg) divided by height (in m)2.