Table 2

Ranges of Motion of Intact, Injured, and Instrumented Spines From the Study of Strauss on Graf System (in Degrees)

LevelINTACTINJUREDINSTRUM with Graf Ligament% (Inst/ Int)
Flexion/ ExtensionL2-L3 (n = 7)7.5 ± 3.29.7 ± 3.63.8 ± 2.648
L4-L5 (n = 6)11.6 ± 2.914.3 ± 3.74.5 ± 2.239
Axial RotationL2-L3 (n = 7)4.1 ± 2.56.5 ± 3.35.4 ± 2.4132
L4-L5 (n = 6)5.4 ± 2.17.1 ± 2.75.8 ± 2.5107
Lateral BendingL2-L3 (n = 7)9.4 ± 2.810.6 ± 4.56.6 ± 4.370
L4-L5 (n = 6)9.9 ± 3.310.2 ± 3.84.4 ± 2.645
  • % = (ROMinstrum/ROMintact)×100