Table 1

Fusion criteria on 3-mm high-resolution CT scan reconstructions in coronal and sagittal planes (with permission from Mayfield Clinic)

GradeTime periodDefinition
IApplicable at any follow-upBridging bone, advanced fusion. Presence of continuous bridging bone extending
from the L5 to the S1 endplate on the reconstructed images, occupying >50%
of available space for fusion.
IIApplicable at any follow-upBridging bone, fusion. Bridging bone filling <50% of available space between
vertebral bodies.
IIIEarly: 6 monthsEarly: Presence of developing bone connected to either end plate without bridging.
Late: 12,18, 24 monthsLate: Presence of developing bone connected to either endplate without bridging
with fusion mass greater than previous scan.
IV6 monthsNo bridging or developing bone connected to either endplate.
VApplicable at 12, 18, 24 monthsNo bridging or developing bone. Decrease or nonprogression of developing bone since previous visit.