Table 1

Approximate average concentrations of metal in human body fluids with and without total joint replacements. Note: where ranges were reported they are included here within parentheses, eg (1– 4). All concentrations are reported in ppb (ng/mL)

Concentrations of metal in body fluids (ng/mL or ppb)
 Normal<0.2–0.6109 (0.2–8.3)1090.2110 (0.1–0.7)1100.42110 (0.3–1.8)110*1.2–2.7109;111 (1.1–7.9)1.2–2.2111 (1.1–6.4)<0.8111 <0.8109, 111
 TKA-M/P0.2 (<0.02–1.15)1120.1 (<0.02–0.6)112*0.4 (0.05–1.5)1123.2 (<2.1–6.3)1116.5 (2.1–9.4)111<0.8 <0.8111111, 112
 TKA-F****135.6 (24.1–716.9)1113.7 (0.8–6.2)1110.9 (<0.8–2.6)111111
 THA-M/P0.9 (<0.3–3.9)1131.28 (0.1–2.4)113**1.4–4.16, 2.6113(<1.1–11.17)109 ;1131.2–1.7109 (0.2–2.46)109*40;109;113;114
 THA-M-M2.4 (0.6–7.9)1133.5 (0.8–9.1)113**1.9113 (1.1–6.0)113**113
Synovial fluid
 Normal****<0.1 (<0.1–7.6)1157.3 (1.9–19)115*115;116
 THA5116, 0.2 (<0.02–1.15)1123116, 0.1 (<0.02–0.6)11221 ± 81164116, 0.4 (0.05–1.5)11213–556116109–6541165–62116112;116
 THA-F588 ± 427116385 ± 23211658 ± 5311632 ± 1611686 ± 35116256 ± 27111625 ± 19116116
Whole blood
 Normal0.1–1.21162–61160.5–1.81162.9–7.011617 ± 6011612 ± 41165.8 ± 4116116
 THA67 ± 62116 218 ± 23311623 ± 31116116
 THA-F20 ± 25116110 ± 15011612 ± 911629 ± 29116602 ± 927116237 ± 30711655 ± 63116116
Human tissue (µg/g) (roughly equivalent to: 10−1 to 10−2 mM)
  • Abbreviations: Normal, subjects without any metallic prosthesis (not including dental); M/P, metal on polyarticulation; M/M, metal-on-metal articulation; F, subjects with a poorly functioning arthroplasty (loose or migratory osteolysis prior to surgical revision); THA, total hip arthroplasty; TKA, total knee arthroplasty; TJA, subjects with well functioning total joint arthroplasty (either knee or hip); TDA Spine, total disc arthroplasty (metal on metal).

  • * Data not available.