The International Journal of Spine Surgery (IJSS) is published by the International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS). It is the official scientific journal of ISASS.
The IJSS is an English-language journal. It uses a double-blind peer review process and is published every other month for a total of 6 issues per year. Additionally, the IJSS periodically publishes supplements, referred to as Special Issues.
Aims & Scope
The goal of the IJSS is to promote and disseminate online the most up-to-date scientific and clinical research into innovations in motion preservation and new spinal surgery technology, including basic science, biologics, and tissue engineering. The IJSS is dedicated to educating spine surgeons worldwide by reporting on the scientific basis, indications, surgical techniques, complications, outcomes, and follow-up data for promising spinal procedures.
Learn more about the IJSS and its policies in the Reviewer Guidelines & Publication Criteria.
Indexing & Archiving
The IJSS is indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, EBSCO, and Web of Science under the Emerging Sources Citation Index. The journal's 2022 Impact Factor, which was released in June 2023, is 1.6. Additionally, IJSS is archived in PubMed Central and CLOCKSS.
Open Access
As an open access journal, the IJSS makes its content freely accessible to the public. In October 2021, the IJSS implemented an article processing charge (APC) for accepted manuscripts. The current APC is as follows for new manuscripts submitted on or after December 1, 2023:
- ISASS members: $800 per accepted manusript
- ISASS nonmembers: $1,000 per accepted manuscript
Solicited content and letters to the editor will continue to be exempt from the APC. For more information about the APC, visit the "Author Instructions" page. To learn more about the journal's copyright, permissions, and licensing, visit our "Reprints & Permissions" page.
IJSS Top Paper Awards
The IJSS awards up to three top papers every year. View past winning articles at