RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Full-Endoscopic Resection of Osteoid Osteoma in the Thoracic Spine: A Case Report JF International Journal of Spine Surgery JO Int J Spine Surg FD International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery SP S78 OP S86 DO 10.14444/7169 VO 14 IS s4 A1 Bergamaschi, João Paulo Machado A1 Costa, Carlos Alberto Montovani A1 Sandon, Luiz Henrique YR 2021 UL https://www.ijssurgery.com/content/14/s4/S78.abstract AB Common symptoms such as axial pain or nocturnal pain, associated with warning signs that are often worrisome in addition to nonspecific radiological findings, can characterize benign lesions in the spine, and osteoid osteoma is among them. We describe here a clinical case of a pediatric patient with an expansive bone lesion in the thoracic spine discovered after investigation for thoracic pain, mainly at night, which, despite a good response to simple analgesics, evolved in the short term with global spinal deformity. After a multidisciplinary evaluation, she underwent surgical resection using a pioneering endoscopic technique that allowed the definitive anatomopathological diagnosis of osteoid osteoma and guaranteeing very satisfactory treatment and evolution. Although there are already several therapeutic techniques described and with good results in specific cases of osteoid osteomas and other benign neoplastic lesions of the spine, full-endoscopic resection appears as an innovative and potentially promising option for diagnosis and treatment, especially since it is a safe, effective, and not too morbid intervention.