TDRs: Design and Materials.
Name of TDR | Design | Material |
Functional three-component | ||
Charité Artificial Disc (DePuy Spine) A | 3 component ball and socket, 2 equal articulating surfaces | CoCr – UHMWPE – CoCr |
InMotion (DePuySpine) A | 3 component ball and socket, 2 equal articulating surfaces (furtherdevelopment of Charité Artificial Disc) | CoCr – UHMWPE – CoCr |
Kineflex-L (SpinalMotion, Inc.) I | 3 component ball and socket, 2 equal articulating surfaces | CoCr – CoCr – CrCo |
Activ L (Aesculap /BBraun) I | 3 component ball and socket, 2 equal articulating surfaces | CoCr – UHMWPE - CoCr |
Dynardi (Zimmer) NA | 3 component ball and socket, 2 equal articulating surfaces | CoCr – Sulene PE - CoCr |
Mobidisc (LDRSpine)I | 3 component with 2 articulating surfaces: 1 ball and socket superior surfaceand 1 flat inferior surface | CoCr – UHMWPE – CoCr |
Orbit (GlobusMedical)NA | 3 component with 2 articulating surfaces: 1 ball and socket superior surfaceand 1 cylindrical inferior surface (for extension/flexion) | PEEK – PEEK - PEEK |
Functional two-component | ||
ProDisc-L (DePuySynthes) A | 3 component ball and socket, 1 articulating surface, core affixed to caudalplate | CoCr – UHMWPE-CoCr |
Maverick (Medtronic)I | 2 component ball and socket, 1 articulating surface | CoCr – CoCr |
Flexicore (Stryker) I | 2 component ball and socket, 1 articulating surface, internal stiff stop ofaxial rotation | CoCr – CoCr |
XL TDR (NuVasive)I | 2 component ball and socket, 1 articulating surface | CoCr - CoCr |
Functional one-component | ||
Freedom (AxioMed) I | 1-piece bonded viscoelastic, no articulating surface | Ti – SPCU - Ti |
M6-L (SpinalKinetics, Inc.)NA | 1-piece viscoelastic, with movable core - not bonded to plates | Ti - PCU core - Ti, UHMWPE fiber annulus, PCU sheath |
Cadisc-L (Ranier)NA | 1-piece bonded viscoelastic, no articulating surface | PCU with graduated modulus |
LP-ESP (FHOrthopedics) NA | 1-piece viscoelastic, no articulating surface | Ti plates, silicone core filled withmicrovoids, surrounded by PCU |
Physio-L (K2M) NA | 1-piece viscoelastic, no articulating surface | Ti – PCU – Ti multidurometer core |
CoCr = cobalt chrome; PCU = polycarbonate urethane; SPCU = silicone polycarbonate urethane; Ti = titanium alloy; UHMWPE = ultra high molecular weight polyethylene
FDA status: A Approved; I Investigational; NA Not approved, not involved in IDE trial at this time