Table 2

Studies from 1995 to 2005.

Study and authorIndicationExclusionTotal, sex distribution, age , type where known, levelsIntra and extradiscalFollowup
% nonresponsive
Results on GPE or Mcnab, excellent, poor, recurrence, complications, reoperative
NK is “not known”
Year and reference
Yeung and TsouPrior disc surgery n = 31 radiculopthy neuro deficit1,8All herniations n = 307 m 102 f 205 age 18-72
l2 to s1
+ yess RWMean 19 months 8.8% non respondersMacnab 84 poor 9.3% rec 0.7%
complic1ations 3.9
Reoperation Rate 4.6
WojcikRadiculopathy1, dddN = 43 m25 f 18intra hijikata method18 months
16.3% nonresponders
GPE 64 good 36 satisfied 0 poor
Complications NK
Reop NK
Tsou and YeungRadiculopathy neurodeficit1,4N219 m83 f 136
age 42[17-71] Central ldh
single level
20 months [12-108] 11.9 non respGpe 91 e + g poor 5.2 rec2.7
Complications 2.7
Reoperation Rate 4.6
LewRadiculopathy tension signs neuro deficit4N = 47 m 12 f 35
51 years[30-70]
foraminal exforaminal
+ ped
Surgical dynamics system18 months [4-51]GPE 85 e and g 11 poor return to work 89% Complications 0
Reoperation Rate 11
Hoogland??N = 246 nk nkExtra Thessys system24 monthsGpe 86% exc + g
7.7 poor
Complications 1.2
rec 3.5 [1 year]
EustacchioRadiculopathy, tension signs neuro deficit3N = 122 m36 f 86
55 years [18-89]
all ldh
multilevel n = 4
10 exclu as stopped procedures but here we reviewed
intra35 months[15-35]Gpe 45 exe 27 good
27 poor
Prolo 71.9% exe + good retrun to work 94
rec 12
Complications 9
Reoperation Rate 27
ChiuVirgin and prior disc surgery pain in back, radiculopathy, neuro deficit3N = 2000 m 990 f 1010 44 years [24-92] single multiple level type nk stenosis and ddd includedIntra and KARL STORZ eq TF MEAD42 months [6-72-GPE 94 exc +g 3 poor Complications 1
Reoperation Rate nk
AhnPrior disc surgery, tension signs, neuro deficit, radiculopathy2,5,9N = 43m11 f 32 46years[22-72 all rec after 6 months of microdiscectomy L3S1Intra and Peld24-39 monthsVAS 8.7 to 2.6 diff 70 % GPE 28 exc 63 good
4.7 poor
Complications 4.6
Reoperation Rate 2.3
SuessRadiculopathy deficit3,8N = 25 m 11 f 14 48 years [26-72] foraminal +exF single level L2-L5PTFES sequestrectomy6 weeksPain leg vas 6.7 to 0.8 diff 88%
pain back 5.1 to 1.3 diff 75%
Complications 4
Reoperation Rate 8%
Schubert and hooglandRadiculopathy, tension signs, deficit, sequestration4N = 558 m 179 f 379 44 years [18-65 all ldh single level L2S1Intra and Thessys system12 months
8.7 non resp
Pain leg 8.4 to 1 diff 88% pain back 8.6 to 1.4 diff 84%
GPE 51 exc 43 good
0.3 poor
rec 3.6
Complications 0.7
rec 3.6
RuettenRadiculopathy deficit1,4,8N = 517m 277 f 240 38 years[16-78] all ldh multiple level n =46 L1-L5Intra and RW elted extreme lateral transf n = 27 bilateral12 months
10 non resp
Pain leg 7.1 to 0.8 diff 89%
pain back 1.8 to 1.6 diff 13 %
ODI 78 to 20 diff 74% rec 6.9
Complications 0
Reoperation Rate 6.9
RamsbacherRadiculopathy deficit1,7,8N = 39 m21 f 18 mean age 50 years all ldh single level L3S1Intra and Sofamor danek TES transf endo sequestrectomy6 weeksPain leg 6.7 to 0.8 diff 88%
pain back5.1 to 1.3 diff 74%
ps 77% very satisfied +satisfied
Complications 5.1
Reoperation Rate 10%
KnightPrior surgery n = 75
back and leg pain radiculopathy
Includes DDD and lateral stenosis
3N = 250 48 years [21-86] all ldh single multiple level L2S1Intra and ELF KESS RW30 months [24-48] 3.2 non respPain vas more than 50% improved 56%
ODI 60% improved
Complications 0.8 %
Reoperation Rate 5.2 %
1999 and 200115, 18
Schenkenbach and HooglandRadiculopathy, tension signs, deficit?N = 130 m43 f 87 39 years all ldh single level L2S1Intra and Thessys system etd12 months
5.1 non resp
pain leg diff 5.9 pain back diff 5.4 GPE 56exc 27 good 6 poor
return to work 6 weeks 70%
Complications 1.5
Reoperation Rate 4.6 %
1998-99.28, 58
MorgensternRadiculopathy deficit * study to compare normal vs intense PT postop revalidation1N = 144 m 48 f 96 all ldh multilevel n = 60 L1S1Intra and Yess ess endoscopic spine surgery24 months [3-48]GPE m 83 exc +good
3% poor
Complications 9%
Reoperation Rate 5.6%
2005 59