Index by author
April 01, 2020; Volume 14,Issue 2
- You have accessMinimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Comparison of Grade I Versus Grade II Isthmic SpondylolisthesisDUSTIN H. MASSEL, BENJAMIN C. MAYO, WILLIAM W. LONG, KRISHNA D. MODI, GREGORY D. LOPEZ, GRANT D. SHIFFLETT, BRYCE A. BASQUES, PHILIP K. LOUIE, DANIEL D. BOHL, FADY Y. HIJJI, ANKUR S. NARAIN and KERN SINGHInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 108-114; DOI:
- You have accessMinimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Comparison of Isthmic Versus Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDUSTIN H. MASSEL, BENJAMIN C. MAYO, GRANT D. SHIFFLETT, DANIEL D. BOHL, PHILIP K. LOUIE, BRYCE A. BASQUES, WILLIAM W. LONG, KRISHNA D. MODI, FADY Y. HIJJI, ANKUR S. NARAIN and KERN SINGHInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 115-124; DOI:
- You have accessPredictive Risk Factors Associated With Increased Opioid Use Among Patients Undergoing Elective Spine SurgeryZACHARY SANFORD, ANDREW BRODA, HALEY TAYLOR, JUSTIN TURCOTTE and CHAD M. PATTONInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 189-194; DOI:
Caplan, IAN F.
- You have accessThe Utility of Cervical Spine Bracing As a Postoperative Adjunct to Multilevel Anterior Cervical Spine SurgeryIAN F. CAPLAN, SAURABH SINHA, BENJAMIN OSIEMO, SCOTT D. MCCLINTOCK, JAMES M. SCHUSTER, HARVEY SMITH, GREGORY GLAUSER, NIKHIL SHARMA, ALI K. OZTURK, ZARINA S. ALI and NEIL R. MALHOTRAInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 151-157; DOI:
Cardoso, AFONSO
- You have accessSpondylodiscitis: A Retrospective Analysis of Clinical, Etiological, and Radiological DiagnosisAFONSO CARDOSO, LUÍS BARBOSA, ANA MARTA COELHO, JOÃO GONÇALVES CORREIA, HÉLDER LARGUINHO MAURÍCIO and ÁLVARO LIMAInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 226-231; DOI:
- You have accessA Comparative Evaluation of Commercially Available Cell-Based Allografts in a Rat Spinal Fusion ModelBRIAN JOHNSTONE, NIANLI ZHANG, ERIK I. WALDORFF, ERIC SEMLER, ANOUSKA DASGUPTA, MARCEL BETSCH, PAOLO PUNSALAN, HOLLY CHO, JAMES T. RYABY and JUNG YOOInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 213-221; DOI:
- You have accessSpondylodiscitis: A Retrospective Analysis of Clinical, Etiological, and Radiological DiagnosisAFONSO CARDOSO, LUÍS BARBOSA, ANA MARTA COELHO, JOÃO GONÇALVES CORREIA, HÉLDER LARGUINHO MAURÍCIO and ÁLVARO LIMAInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 226-231; DOI:
- You have accessSpondylodiscitis: A Retrospective Analysis of Clinical, Etiological, and Radiological DiagnosisAFONSO CARDOSO, LUÍS BARBOSA, ANA MARTA COELHO, JOÃO GONÇALVES CORREIA, HÉLDER LARGUINHO MAURÍCIO and ÁLVARO LIMAInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 226-231; DOI:
Crawford, NEIL R.
- You have accessVariations Among Human Lumbar Spine Segments and Their Relationships to In Vitro Biomechanics: A Retrospective Analysis of 281 Motion Segments From 85 Cadaveric SpinesANNA G.U. SAWA, JENNIFER N. LEHRMAN, NEIL R. CRAWFORD and BRIAN P. KELLYInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 140-150; DOI:
Cunningham, GREGORY
- You have accessThe Value of a Modified Wiltse Approach for Deformity Correction in Neuromuscular ScoliosisDAVID CHRISTOPHER KIESER, CHRISHAN THAKAR, GREGORY CUNNINGHAM, HRVOJE VIDAKOVIC, NIELS HAMMER and COLIN NNADIInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 170-174; DOI:
Dasgupta, ANOUSKA
- You have accessA Comparative Evaluation of Commercially Available Cell-Based Allografts in a Rat Spinal Fusion ModelBRIAN JOHNSTONE, NIANLI ZHANG, ERIK I. WALDORFF, ERIC SEMLER, ANOUSKA DASGUPTA, MARCEL BETSCH, PAOLO PUNSALAN, HOLLY CHO, JAMES T. RYABY and JUNG YOOInternational Journal of Spine Surgery April 2020, 14 (2) 213-221; DOI:
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