Article Figures & Data
Characteristics and Variables Mean Range Age (years) 50.1 19–81 N % Gender Female 301 53.0% Male 267 47.0% Symptoms Radiculopathy 508 89.4% Neurogenic claudication 13 2.3% Both 47 8.3% Level operated L2-3 1 0.2% L3-4 5 0.9% L4-5 143 25.2% L5-S1 419 73.8% Fusion technique Stand-alone ALIF 247 43.5% ALIF + PI 321 56.5% ALIF, anterior lumbar interbody fusion; PI, posterior instrumentation.
- Table 2
Comparison of patients for whom indirect decompression was successful vs those who underwent subsequent reoperation for direct decompression
Variable Indirect Success
(n = 545)Failed Indirect
(n = 23)P Value Mean age (years) 49.8 56.6 <0.025 Mean preop ODI 43.8 46.5 >0.50 Mean preop VAS back pain 6.3 6.4 >0.50 Mean preop VAS leg pain 4.9 5.6 >0.30 N (%) N (%) Gender >0.05 Female 288 (95.7%) 13 (4.3%) Male 257 (96.3%) 10 (3.7%) Symptoms >0.05 Radiculopathy 489 (96.3%) 19 (3.7%) Neurogenic claudication 13 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) Both 43 (91.4%) 4 (8.5%) Level operated > 0.05 L2-3 1 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) L3-4 5 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) L4-5 139 (97.2%) 4 (2.8%) L5-S1 400 (95.6%) 19 (4.4%) ODI Section 7a >0.05 Score 0–2 377 (95.9%) 16 (4.1%) Score 3–5 143 (95.3%) 7 (4.7%) Fusion technique >0.05 Stand-alone ALIF 235 (95.1%) 12 (4.9%) ALIF + PI 310 (96.7%) 11 (3.4%) aPreoperative ODI Section 7 response not available for 2 patients.
ALIF, anterior lumbar interbody fusion; ODI, Oswestry Disability Index; PI, posterior instrumentation; VAS, visual analog scale.
- Table 3
Preoperative and postoperative ODI and VAS scores for patients undergoing stand-alone ALIF vs ALIF With posterior instrumentation.
Stand-Alone ALIF ALIF + PI Outcome Measure Preop Postop Preop Postop ODI 44.0 27.3 43.8 27.5 VAS back pain 6.3 2.8 6.2 3.0 VAS leg pain 5.0 1.9 5.0 2.1 Note: The mean scores in both groups improved significantly on all 3 measures (all P < 0.01) with no significant differences between the 2 groups on any of the measures preoperative or postoperative (all P > 0.50).
ALIF, anterior lumbar interbody fusion; ODI, Oswestry Disability Index; PI, posterior instrumentation; VAS, visual analog scale.