Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
Mann-Whitney U test (lost vs found preoperative VAS and age at surgery) and Fisher exact test (lost vs found gender).
Patient Characteristics Patients Followed Up
(n = 16)Patients Lost to Follow Up (n = 10) P Value Preoperative VAS scores, mean 9.5 7.5 0.001 Age at surgery, mean 42.0 37.4 0.16 Gender, male:female 8:8 7:3 0.28 Workers’ compensation, n 16 10 Abbreviations: VAS, visual analog scale.
Note: Boldface indicates statistically significant findings.
- Table 2
Mann-Whitney U test (further surgery vs no further surgery age, VAS preoperative, VAS postoperative, EQ-5D-5L) and Fisher exact test (further surgery vs no further surgery gender and opioid use).
Patient Characteristics No Further Surgery (n = 10) Further Surgery
(n = 6)P Value Gender, male:female 4:6 4:2 0.94 Age at surgery, y, mean 41 44 0.91 VAS preoperative, mean 9.6 9.5 1.0 VAS postoperative, mean 1.8 5.3 0.004 Postoperative opioid use, % 0% 83% 0.042 Quality of life, mean 0.81 0.45 0.002 Abbreviations: EQ-5D-5L, EuroQol 5-Dimension 5-level instument; VAS, visual analog scale.
Note: Boldface indicates statistically significant findings.
Index TDR Site Reoperation Duration Between Surgeries L5-S1 TDR (2003) L4-L5 fusion (2016)
L3-L4 TDR (2016)13 y L5-S1 TDR (2004) L3-L4 fusion (2009) 5 y L3-L4-L5 TDR (2003) L5-S1 fusion (2016) 13 y L5-S1 TDR (2002) Foraminotomy (2003) 1 y L4-L5-S1 TDR (2003) L3-L4 fusion (2010)
L4-L5 fusion (2018)a
L5-S1 fusion (2019)a7 y L4-L5 TDR (2003) Discectomy (2004)
L4-L5-S1 fusion (2005)a1 y Abbreviations: TDR, total disc replacement.
↵a Denotes further surgery at the index (operated) level.
Patient population VAS Preoperative VAS 17.2 y P Value Total patients 8.8 (n = 26) 3.1 (n = 16) Followed up 9.5 (n = 16) 3.1 (n = 16) <0.001 Lost to follow-up 7.5 (n = 10) N/A Abbreviations: N/A, not applicable; VAS, visual analog scale.
Note: Boldface indicates statistically significant findings.