Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
Baseline demographics of patients with opioid use disorder and comparison cohort undergoing lumbar spine laminectomy.
Demographics Opioid Use Disorder Comparison Cohort P Value n % n % Age, y <0.0001 <64 1977 56.24 14,522 11.33 65–69 686 19.52 34,910 27.25 70–74 409 11.64 32,494 25.36 75–79 252 7.17 25,603 19.98 80–84 138 3.93 14,680 11.46 >85 53 1.51 5911 4.61 Sex <0.0001 Female 2011 57.21 62,253 48.59 Male 1504 42.79 65,867 51.41 Comorbidities Alcohol use disorder 772 21.96 5368 4.19 <0.0001 Arrhythmias 1607 45.72 48,035 37.49 <0.0001 BMI 19–24 kg/m2 128 3.64 2023 1.58 <0.0001 BMI 25–29 kg/m2 214 6.09 4277 3.34 <0.0001 BMI 30–39 kg/m2 614 17.47 12,646 9.87 <0.0001 BMI 40–70 kg/m2 296 8.42 4322 3.37 <0.0001 Congestive heart failure 1081 30.75 27,085 21.14 <0.0001 Coagulopathy 668 19.00 16,026 12.51 <0.0001 Depressive disorders 2699 76.79 40,359 31.50 <0.0001 Diabetes mellitus 1729 49.19 52,110 40.67 <0.0001 Hypertension 3172 90.24 114,339 89.24 0.001 Hypothyroidism 1374 39.09 40,344 31.49 <0.0001 Iron deficiency anemia 2184 62.13 54,887 42.84 <0.0001 Liver failure 802 22.82 10,566 8.25 <0.0001 Neurological deficits 869 24.72 17,268 13.48 <0.0001 Peptic ulcer disease 649 18.46 12,160 9.49 <0.0001 Peripheral vascular disease 1455 41.39 46,191 36.05 <0.0001 Renal failure 340 9.67 7562 5.90 <0.0001 Rheumatoid arthritis 1466 41.71 26,868 20.97 <0.0001 Valvular disorders 1157 32.92 33,986 26.53 <0.0001 Pathologic weight loss 449 12.77 6939 5.42 <0.0001 Elixhauser Comorbidity Index, mean 9 4 <0.0001 Abbreviation: BMI, body mass index.
- Table 2
Comparison of 90-d medical complications between opioid use disorder and comparison cohort following primary lumbar spine laminectomy.
Medical Complications Assessed Opioid Use Disorder, % Comparison, % OR 95% CI P Valuea Pneumonia 6.29 1.23 5.23 3.57–5.99 <0.0001 Transfusion of blood products 0.54 0.15 5.12 2.92–8.48 <0.0001 Respiratory failure 0.54 0.12 4.07 2.29–6.87 <0.0001 Urinary tract infection 14.54 4.49 3.57 3.19–3.97 <0.0001 Acute kidney injuries 4.84 1.36 3.31 2.75–3.95 <0.0001 Cerebrovascular accidents 1.74 0.55 3.26 2.42–4.33 <0.0001 Deep vein thromboses 1.48 0.70 2.21 1.61–2.97 <0.0001 Myocardial infarctions 0.77 0.30 2.20 1.40–3.32 <0.0001 Venous thromboemboli 1.62 0.86 2.02 1.50–2.67 0.018 Total medical complications 32.36 9.76 3.53 3.23–3.85 <0.0001 ↵a Adjusted for age, sex, geographic region, alcohol use disorder, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, general anxiety disorder, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, and tobacco use.