Article Figures & Data
Demographic Minimal (n = 109) Mild (n = 64) Moderate to Severe (n = 43) P Valuea Age, y 0.045 <50 49.5% (54) 40.6% (26) 65.1% (28) ≥50 50.5% (55) 59.4% (38) 34.9% (15) Gender 0.090 Women 22.9% (25) 37.5% (24) 34.9% (15) Men 77.1% (84) 62.5% (40) 65.1% (28) Body mass index 0.031 <30 kg/m2 63.3% (69) 43.7% (28) 48.8% (21) ≥30 kg/m2 36.7% (40) 56.3% (36) 51.2% (22) Race <0.001 Nonwhite 15.7% (17) 31.2% (20) 51.2% (21) White 84.3% (91) 68.7% (44) 48.8% (20) Smoking status 0.408 Nonsmoker 92.7% (101) 92.2% (59) 86.1% (37) Smoker 7.3% (8) 7.8% (5) 13.9% (6) Diabetic status 0.050 Diabetic 95.4% (104) 85.9% (55) 95.3% (41) Nondiabetic 4.6% (5) 14.1% (9) 4.7% (2) American Society of Anesthesiologists score 0.953 <2 86.2% (94) 87.1% (54) 88.1% (37) ≥2 13.8% (15) 12.9% (8) 11.9% (5) Charlson Comorbidity Index score 0.745 <1 67.1% (55) 69.9% (28) 67.7% (21) ≥1 32.9% (25) 39.1% (18) 32.3% (10) VAS back 0.267 <7 57.1% (60) 44.3% (27) 50.0% (21) ≥7 42.9% (45) 55.7% (34) 50.0% (21) VAS leg 0.159 <7 64.8% (68) 59.0% (36) 47.6% (20) ≥7 35.2% (37) 41.0% (25) 52.4% (22) Insurance 0.003 Medicare/Medicaid 4.6% (5) 1.5% (1) 4.7% (2) Workers’ compensation 8.3% (9) 25.0% (16) 32.6% (14) Private 87.2% (95) 73.4% (47) 62.8% (27) Abbreviation: VAS, visual analog scale.
Note: Data presented as (%) n.
↵a P value calculated using χ 2 test.
Characteristics Minimal (n = 109) Mild (n = 64) Moderate to Severe (n = 43) P Valuea Spinal pathology Herniated nucleus pulposus 71.6% (78) 62.5% (40) 76.7% (33) 0.102 Foraminal stenosis 58.7% (64) 57.8% (37) 72.1% (31) 0.254 Spinal stenosis 89.0% (97) 92.2% (59) 90.7% (39) 0.787 Decompression 0.212 Single level 77.8% (84) 85.7% (54) 88.4% (38) Multilevel 22.2% (24) 14.3% (9) 11.6% (5) Operative time, min 44.7 ± 16.3 45.5 ± 19.5 46.1 ± 19.0 0.907 Estimated blood loss, mL 26.7 ± 7.9 26.2 ± 6.9 26.1 ± 5.9 0.863 Length of stay, h 7.4 ± 13.6 6.8 ± 9.5 6.7 ± 10.4 0.927 Note: Data presented as (%) n or mean ± SD.
↵a P value calculated using χ 2 test or analysis of variance.
Variable Coefficient, ß SE 95% CI P Valuea 6 wk Mild PHQ-9 −4.48 0.94 −6.68 −2.93 <0.001 Moderate to severe PHQ-9 −8.13 1.17 −10.46 −5.80 <0.001 12 wk Mild PHQ-9 −3.57 1.59 −6.77 −0.37 0.029 Moderate to severe PHQ-9 −10.08 1.97 −14.04 −6.11 <0.001 Private insurance −5.49 1.72 −8.94 −2.04 0.002 Smoking 3.91 1.92 0.06 7.78 0.047 6 mo Moderate to severe PHQ-9 −4.63 2.16 −9.00 −0.27 0.038 Abbreviation: PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9.
↵a P values calculated using multiple linear regression analysis.