Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
Demographics and comorbidities of congenital scoliosis patients who underwent posterior fusion (N = 816).
Variables n (%) Age, y mean ± SD 11.32 ± 4.02 Age, y 0–4 83 (10.2) 5–9 131 (16.1) 10–14 423 (51.8) 15–19 179 (21.9) Sex Women 468 (57.4) Men 348 (42.7) Body mass index group Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) 363 (44.5) Nonobese (18.5–29.9 kg/m2) 392 (48.0) Obese I (30.0–34.9 kg/m2) 42 (5.2) Obese II (35.0–39.9 kg/m2) 14 (1.7) Obese III (≥40 kg/m2) 5 (0.6) Nutritional support 49 (6) Esophageal/gastric/intestinal disease 98 (12.0) Ionotropic support during surgery 8 (1.0) Seizure disorder 35 (4.3) Tracheostomy 13 (1.6) Chronic steroid use 4 (0.5) Developmental delay 189 (23.2) Previous cardiac surgery 98 (12.0) Chronic lung disease 58 (7.1) Structural central nervous system abnormality 183 (22.4) Asthma 89 (10.9) Oxygen support 16 (2.0) Hematological disease 20 (2.5) Structural pulmonary/airway abnormality 91 (11.2) Blood transfusions within 48 h prior to surgery 4 (0.5) American Society of Anesthesiologists Score 1–2 458 (56.1) >2 358 (43.9) Fusion to pelvis 61 (7.5) Osteotomy 254 (31.1) Levels fused <7 302 (37.0) 7–12 304 (37.3) >12 210 (25.7) Length of stay, d 4.64 ± 3.71 Readmission 43 (5.3) Note: Data presented as n (%) unless otherwise indicated.
- Table 2
Average postoperative length of stay for congenital scoliosis patients who underwent posterior fusion by patient factors.
Patient Factors Length of Stay, mean (SD) Bivariate Analyses Multivariate Analysis Beta P Beta P Overall 4.64 (3.71) Age, y 0.0295 0.2232 0–4 5.24 (4.71) +0.37 +0.07 5–9 4.30 (2.59) −0.56 −0.62 10–14 4.87 (4.04) ref ref 15–19 4.07 (2.89) −0.79 −0.70 Sex 0.4977 Men 4.74 (4.29) ref ref Women 4.57 (3.21) −0.18 Body mass index group 0.5259 Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) 4.85 (4.50) +0.40 Nonobese (18.5–29.9 kg/m2) 4.44 (2.77) ref Obese I (30.0–34.9 kg/m2) 4.50 (2.36) +0.05 Obese II (35.0–39.9 kg/m2) 5.43 (6.65) +0.98 Obese III (≥40 kg/m2) 3.8 (0.84) −0.65 Nutritional support 7.47 (6.46) +3.00 <0.0001 +0.55 0.3715 Esophageal/gastric/intestinal disease 5.65 (4.70) +1.15 0.0039 −0.13 0.7614 Ionotropic support during surgery 5.63 (3.20) +0.99 0.4513 Seizure disorder 7.14 (6.60) +2.61 <0.0001 +0.77 0.2494 Tracheostomy 11.31 (7.64) +6.77 <0.0001 +4.20 0.0001 Chronic steroid use 5.50 (2.52) +0.86 0.6428 Developmental delay 5.49 (4.28) +1.10 0.0003 −0.02 0.9492 Previous cardiac surgery 5.58 (5.07) +1.07 0.0074 +0.37 0.3676 Chronic lung disease 7.67 (7.11) +3.26 <0.0001 +1.83 0.0004 Structural central nervous systm abnormality 5.50 (4.79) +1.10 0.0004 +0.63 0.0399 Asthma 5.01 (3.52) +0.41 0.3198 Oxygen support 10.31 (8.77) +5.78 <0.0001 +3.23 0.0008 Hematologic disease 4.20 (1.88) .−0.45 0.5893 Structural pulmonary/airway abnormality 6.08 (5.08) +1.61 <0.0001 +0.13 0.7661 Blood transfusions within 48 h prior to surgery 5.25 (2.06) +0.61 0.7425 American Society of Anesthesiologists Score <0.0001 0.3416 1–2 4.14 (3.30) ref ref >2 5.28 (4.08) +1.14 +0.27 Fusion to pelvis 5.92 (5.04) +1.38 0.0051 +0.66 0.1762 Osteotomy 4.73 (3.64) +0.13 0.6407 Levels fused 0.0024 0.0082 <7 4.34 (3.94) ref ref 7–12 4.41 (3.22) +0.07 +0.18 >12 5.40 (3.91) +1.06 +0.73 - Table 3
Readmission rates among congenital scoliosis patients who underwent Posterior fusion by patient factors.
Patient Factors Readmission Rate, % Bivariate Analyses Multivariate Analysis OR P OR P Overall 5.27 Age, y 0.3313 0–4 9.84 2.15 5–9 4.58 0.97 10–14 4.73 Ref 15–19 5.03 1.07 Sex 0.5989 Men 5.75 Ref Women 4.91 0.85 Body mass index group 0.1637 0.2145 Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) 5.51 1.37 1.347 Nonobese (18.5–29.9 kg/m2) 4.08 ref ref Obese I (30.0–34.9 kg/m2) 11.9 3.18 3.217 Obese II (35.0–39.9 kg/m2) 14.29 3.92 3.815 Obese III (≥40 kg/m2) 0 <0.001 <0.001 Nutritional support 10.2 2.181 0.1192 1.856 0.2935 Esophageal/gastric/intestinal disease 6.12 1.2 0.6873 Ionotropic support during surgery 0 <0.001 0.99 Seizure disorder 8.57 1.737 0.3773 Tracheostomy 7.69 1.51 0.6955 Chronic steroid use 0 <0.001 0.9892 Developmental delay 7.94 1.844 0.0647 1.492 0.2867 Previous cardiac surgery 4.08 0.741 0.5765 Chronic lung disease 3.45 0.625 0.5232 Structural central nervous system abnormality 6.01 1.201 0.6107 Asthma 5.62 1.079 0.8762 Oxygen support 12.5 2.65 0.2082 Hematologic disease 10 2.047 0.3475 Structural pulmonary/airway abnormality 2.2 0.375 0.1808 0.221 0.0492 Blood transfusions within 48 h prior to surgery 25 6.116 0.1202 5.719 0.1588 American Society of Anesthesiologists Score 0.5009 1–2 4.8 ref >2 5.87 1.235 Fusion to pelvis 16.39 4.29 0.0002 3.241 0.0075 Osteotomy 5.91 1.197 0.5851 Levels fused 0.112 0.9731 <7 4.3 ref ref 7–12 4.28 0.993 1.103 >12 8.1 1.958 1.051 Length of stay >4 d, median 8.96 2.838 0.0011 2.413 0.0103 Reason for Readmissiona n (%) Total patients readmitted 43 (100) Wound-related complications 15 (34.9) Deep incisional SSI 8 Superficial incisional SSI 1 Organ/space SSI 1 Wound disruption 5 Gastrointestinal-related complicationb 4 (9.3) Seroma or hematoma formation 2 (4.7) Failure of internal fixation 2 (4.7) Seizure 2 (4.7) Breakdown of cranial or spinal infusion or shunt 2 (4.7) Pain 1 (2.3) Dehydration 1 (2.3) Fever 1 (2.3) Infection, unspecified 1 (2.3) Pleural effusion 1 (2.3) Cervical root disorder 1 (2.3) Allergic urticaria 1 (2.3) Weakness 1 (2.3) Central nervous system complication 1 (2.3) Unspecified 7 (16.3)